5 Minutes for Moms is hosting a giant blog party from March 2-9. They have a Mr. Linky displayed and you can join the party by linking up your post and introducing yourself and your blog. Enjoy!
I'm a Mommy of a four month old:

I keep my sanity by reading books. Reading reminds me that I do have a brain that can function beyond diaper changes and bottle refills.
This particular blog is all about books. I have others, more random in nature. But I find reading a good way to connect with the world.
I was home schooled growing up, as was my husband. We intend to inflict the same joy and pain on all of our children. It's a What Comes Around Goes Around World.
I'm serious about my faith and everything I read is viewed through my world view which is: There is one true God. I was made to worship Him. He loves me, and I Him. You'll be hard pressed to find a review that doesn't run through this "filter." If you miss that, then I'm not reading well.
I love to laugh. I enjoy meeting other people, in person and remote (ala blog!). I enjoy hearing from other people and discussing things that really matter.
(Feel free to browse, leave comments and make suggestions. All I ask for is respect and courtesy during your visit.)
It's great to hear about a homeschooled person wanting to homeschool their own children. I am a homeschool mom of three. Recently our education has been how to pack boxes. We are moving. I hope you can come by my blog soon.
It's nice to meet you! I love, love, love, LOVE to read, too and will be checking back to read some of your thoughts on books you've read.
Awww what a cutie you have!
Enjoy the party!!!
Ahhh, I remember long before toddlerhood when I had time to read books. Perhaps I shall just have to live vicariosly!
Cool beans! I love to read...wish I could get a job reading LOL!! I'm bookmarking you, and coming back after the party...
Happy Party. I'm a reader also (as well as being a writer) and feel reading is so important. I think a love for reading is one of the most important gifts a parent can give their children. I'll be coming back to browse your blog when I can spend more time :-)
Hello Carrie! Welcome to the Party! I'm a great reader as well, and have read many novels. I live in Birmingham, England, and have a satirical Journal based on Star Trek:TNG. Come take a look!
Thanks for stopping by my bloggy home! So much reading AND you have a 4 month old! LOL How do you do it? *wink* I went from a high school English teacher bibliophile to reading less than one book a month (at least one without pictures!) LOL
What a great picture of you. I think that you described yourself quite well (and what a cute picture of Baby!).
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is always nice to make new bloggy friends. Your baby is precious! I'll check back on you often as I hope you will me.
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Carrie! Your baby's smile is absolutely infectious. I found myself smiling back at the cutie pie. *grin*
Thanks for partying with us and happy reading!
It's so nice to meet you through this terrific blog party! Your baby is adorable. I enjoyed reading some of your thoughts on the books you've read; I need to post more of my own reviews on my blog, so thanks for the inspiration. Stop by my place if you get a chance!
A fellow bookaholic says hello!
Happy blog party week!
I love to read also - neat idea for a blog. Nice to meet you.
This monkey likes your photo in the about me section.
Swinging in for the Ultimate Blog Party. I will be starting my 3rd party favor give away later tonight. Come on over when ya get a chance.
Heh heh heh!
Ohh...I like your blog. You have a C.S. Lewish quote and the banner is too cool. Keep up the good work!
Enjoy the party!
Ooh, a fellow book lover! I love reading. Happy partying!
Had to stop by when I saw your title at THE BLOG PARTY - I LOVE to read as well and I'm a part time librarian so - I LIVE books!!! I have a book blog - inthepages.blogspot.com and our family blog is bilbybunch.blogspot.com!! I enjoyed your blog and I will be back!!
As soon as I read that your blog was all about books, I knew I would be hooked! I love to read and am always up for suggestions on a good book!
Oh, and I love your CS Lewis quote!
Party Hardy. Having fun visiting all these blobs. Lots to learn from lots of people. I'm off to meet more bloggers.
God Bless, Darlene
Hello so nice to meet you =)
What a precious little one! So cute!
I too love to read. I am corrently homeschooling my oldest child and she tells me all the time she will homeschool her kids someday. I secretly hope she will, but always tell her that I will love her even if she doesn't. It nice to read about a homeschooler growing up and choosing to do the same thing!
I'm still blog partying! Nice blog. Am glad I got the chance to read it!
I am still party hopping! I am also a homeschooling mom... we have one year left to go before our last one graduates!
Hey Carrie, another Carrie here :)
I am a voracious reader and a homeschooling mommy as well - love the "what comes around goes around" line, hehe. Joy AND pain, indeed! But so worth it.
Oh if the "pain" part ever gets to be too much, I'd be more than happy to take that little cutie off of your hands, LOL. I've got 3 boys of my own that would spoil him rotten. (Who wouldn't spoil him rotten? Look at that smile!)
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