
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Saturday Review of Books Challenge

THIS one I'm doing.

Semicolon's latest challenge (following on the heels of the Saturday Review of Books) is to actually READ the books that other people have suggested to you. This challenge is easy for me because I keep a list (along with the weblink, for future credits) of the books mentioned on the SRofB that I want to read. So my challenge reading list is pretty much already created. I just have to narrow the field down. The nice thing is, this motivates me to follow through and read the books suggested. So here are the books I commit to reading in the next six months in no particular order:

1. In Search of Eden, by Linda Nichols, recommended by Violet.

2. The Unwritten Rules of Friendship, by Natalie Madorsky Elman and Eileen Kennedy-Moore, recommended by Cathy at Poohsticks.

3. Fridle, by Andrew Clements recommended by Jennifer at Snapshot.

4. I Capture the Castle, by Dodie Smith,recommended by Mommy Brain.

5. Nazi Officer's Wife, by Edith Hahn Beerrecommended by Literary Feline.

6. Murder Off the Books, by Evelyn David, recommended by Book & Java.

Thanks again, Semicolon, for providing motivation and encouragement to read (and network)!


Sherry said...

I just read I Capture the Castle, and I think you'll like it. Thanks for joining in.

Literary Feline said...

You picked The Nazi Officer's Wife! Yay! I do hope you will enjoy it. I'll feel terrible if you end up hating it. LOL

Until reading your blog, I hadn't known Inkspell was being made into a movie. I will have to keep an eye out for it. Thanks for the head's up!

Literary Feline said...

I meant Inkheart, really I did. :-)

Unknown said...

I'm going to do this one, too. I just need to go through the list, or lists that I've tried to keep.

Yea--someone picked me! I think you'll like Frindle.

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