As you can see, I have a lot on my nightstand. A few, like Awaken the Dragon, by David Aikman are waiting for me to read and review them for 5 Minutes for Books. I'll be "taking care" of that one soon. (Has anyone else out there read it? It sounded fascinating to me so I'm happy for the chance to dive in.)
My most exciting up-and-coming personal read is Once Upon a Time by A.A. Milne. Before Winnie the Pooh he wrote a fairy tale "not 'for adults only'" but not particularly for kids. It was published in the U.S. in the 1960's and I found a copy at a local used book store. I'm really excited to read it. I skimmed the first chapter the other day and it's my kind of brand of humor so I'm sure that'll be fun.
For my online bookclub, Bookfest, I'm determined to conquer The Decline and Fall of Practically Everybody, by Will Cuppy within the next week or two. My friend Calon Lan already reviewed it on her blog here.
It's a fun reading world and not nerely enough hours in the day to accomplish all that "must" be read!
The Milne is interesting. I read through some of the original Winnie the Pooh stories with Amanda when she was younger. I should maybe see if Kyle wants to sit and listen.
I recognize a few of those George McDonald books from many years ago. Those would be worth revisiting whenever I catch up on my pile! :)
curious about the dragon book. looking forward to your review.
Yes, if only there were more "reading hours" in a day. :)
Ooh, great picture. Just seeing books makes me want to read. Curious, what's the book between the Rivers and MacDonald book? I can't read the title on the spine.
I see you're going to/are reading Silas Marner. I've never read this one and will be curious to hear what you think. I loved Middlemarch, though it was really long.
Will be posting my Nightstand picture later today.
I'd love to read the Milne book -- I'll put it on my list!
That A. A. Milne sounds interesting.
The A.A. Milne book does sound interesting! Thanks for sharing.
I see a couple of very good books on your stand (Scarlet Thread and Mozart's Sister)! Enjoy.
I agree there was most certainly not enough time to read in the day! Looking forward to the review of some of those in your stack.
You do have quite a stack! I'll look forward to your reviews. I hope you enjoy Mozart's Sister!
I love the picture -- it makes me wish I had a nightstand. (My books are just piled up in a basket, that also contains magazines. *Sigh* We live our life in constant transition...)
Thanks for sharing your reading list. I'll be curious to see your reviews of these books.
The Scarlet Thread is one of my favorite books and Francine Rivers is one of my favorite authors. Hers is the first Christian fiction I ever read, and it fascinates me. I've read many of her books more than once.
That AA Milne book sounds awesome. I actually just bought Winnie the Pooh to read to my son at night. :)
Sigh...never enough time to read all that must be read, you are so right...
And hey, ditto to what the earlier commenter said on "The Scarlet Thread." Though it's been years since I read it, I thoroughly enjoyed it!
You have a few books there. :-) If only there were more hours to read...what a wonderful world it would be!
I'm interested to know what you think of the Milne book. I've never heard of that one, but we do have all of his Pooh works.
Thanks for stopping by Sidetrack'd. I would definitely recommend My Sister's Keeper, but go in knowing that it is very intense.
I agree that there just aren't enough hours to read. You have a lot of books and authors that I'm not familiar with. I have to say I'm a creature of habit. That's why I'm excited about looking at what's on other nightstands out there. I can't wait to hear what you think about the Milne book.
~ Kayren
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