Even now, although my son is a mere 2 years old, I am searching and looking for good resources to teach Narnia to him as he grows. By far and away the very best resource I have found is a series of seven lectures by Douglas Wilson and offered by Canon Press entitled What I Learned in Narnia. My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed listening through these lectures and found that many of the points that Wilson made hit awfully close to home. There is nothing that I can say here that will do justice to this series. Suffice it to say - if you intend to teach Narnia in your home, you must not be without this lecture series. Topics include:
1. Authority
2. Confessing Sin
3. Nobility
4. Spiritual Disciplines
5. Love of Story
6. Complete Grace
7. Love for Aslan, Love for God

These are just two items. But there is so much out there. If you have a particular resource to use when teaching (as well as just "simply" reading!) this series, I would so love to hear about it! Leave a comment or a link to your own thoughts and comments on Narnia. I'm listening!
1 comment:
If you really want to dig into the Narnia series, you should check out *Planet Narnia*, which explores the connection between Narnia, the Space trilogy, and Lewis' fascination with the mythology and theology of the Ptolemaic concept of the Heavens. Pretty deep in spots, but really, really cool.
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