Our son doesn't do scary movies and although we've attempted a few Disney Classics, we have found that anything dark in tone (colors) or sound (music) will be a sure flop. (Turning on The Jungle Book
The one and only bothersome thing in the entire movie is the dig against home schoolers. If you've followed this blog at all you know that both my husband and I were raised home schooled (and loved it!) and are planning on continuing "family tradition" (if you will) in that vein. So it was disappointing that the sour kangaroo in this film portrays home schooling so poorly. The situation is, at the beginning of the film, Horton is leading a bunch of creature children on a scientific romp through the jungle teaching them about leaf bugs. Kangaroo bounces in, sneering at how well loved Horton is and generally being as "sour" as the book portrays her to be. She makes a comment that the other kids are being misguided by Horton and are overly imaginative and pats her pouch loftily saying that her kid is "pouch schooled." That is the overt statement. The rest of the film Kangaroo is portrayed as being generally snobby and keeps telling her young joey that he needs to mind his own business and let her attend to all the adult affairs. The message was that home schoolers are prideful, snooty know-it-alls. (Yes, you probably do know some home schoolers like that. I know some non-home schoolers that are like that so, you see, it does work both ways. It's not about position so much as it is about personality. It's not worth arguing about, really . . .)
I don't want to get into an argument over schooling options and I sincerely wish that the movie hadn't raised any. I think Kangaroo was used to cast home schooling parents in a negative light which is indeed unfortunate. It did get my back up at the beginning of the film and I was wondering where the film makers were going to go with it. However! That one sentence was really all there was to it and nothing else was really said in reference to home schooling. It was the statement that left the bad aftertaste but you could choose to ignore it and enjoy the movie if you wanted to. I wanted to and so we moved on.
Yes, it is bothersome and yes, as a home schooler, you'd probably want to know that that sentence is in there. However! It IS an enjoyable movie. It is funny. It is clean. It is cleverly done and is bright and colorful to boot! It sparks imagination and it isn't intense and scary. We LIKED this movie - a lot! So I'm with Jennifer - if you want a relaxing film to enjoy during the holiday downtime, Horton Hears a Who
Strangely, my X-Box playing son thought Horton "too scary." Hmmm....
We saw it in the theaters and I recall the homeschooling statement. It was a shame it was even mentioned...didn't need to be, IMO. But, like you, we went on and were able to enjoy the movie. Our eldest daughter bought the movie for our youngest for Christmas...she will be really excited I think! :)
Carrie, Here's praying you have a very Merry CHRISTmas! :)
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