I find myself enjoying 100 Cupboards
Once again, I think Wilson has a great opening to his story that immediately puts the reader's mind into imaginative gear:
Henry, Kansas is a hot town. And a cold town. It is a town so still there are times when you can hear a fly trying to get through the window of the locked-up antique store on Main Street.
* * *
Henry* slept for a long time. Heh woke because he couldn't sleep any longer. His body was full.
(* Henry is the name of the main character in the story as well as the name of the town involved.)
* * *
The grown-ups were all inside the yard, standing around grills or setting out casseroles, paper plates,a nd flimsy plastic utensils designed to snap when used.
100 Cupboards
We went on vacation last week and I wanted to take something fun and relaxing with me to read. This was my book of choice, having just snagged it at a local bookstore, and I'm glad of it. I do admit to being confused a bit by Wilson's description of how and why certain of the 100 cupboards took you places and others led you back to where you started. (Am I sounding vague and confused? Yeah, I am a little.) I'm not sure if I was reading too fast and thus didn't give myself the opportunity to comprehend. My husband read the book on our plane ride back and he confirmed certain aspects of the story were more confusing. However, generally speaking, this book is adventurous fun.
Jonathan (my husband) said that certain aspects of this book had a Narnia feel to them. He also said that it reads as if someone is telling the story aloud and on that part I concur. I had the impression while reading that this book would make an excellent read aloud book - almost more so than as a private, individual read. I don't think I've ever said that about a book before but in this particular case, I think it is true. Wilson does tell stories in a manner that demands a visible audience. It's hard to describe that but I feel it.
If you've read this book and loved it, you'll be happy to know that the sequel, Dandelion Fire: Book 2 of the 100 Cupboards
I still like N.D. Wilson stories. Very much. So I'll be after a copy of Book 2
I, too, adored Leepike Ridge. The general flavor of Nate's fantasy is the flavor of my fantasy novel. It's nice to be able to mention Cupboards when saying, my book is similar to... There aren't many recent books in that family read-aloud genre.
This is the 2nd time in as many days that I've heard good things about 100 Cupboards. I'm going to have to add it to my to-read list. :)
I actually thought the title of this post was '100 Cupcakes' when I clicked on it and I was quite excited. Still sounds good..
I haven't read Leepike Ridge but I just loved 100 Cupboards. I just got an ARC of Dandelion Fire this week and can't wait to read it!
This sounds really interesting. I bookmarked Leeplike ridge and 100 cupboards. Will prob read Leeplike first. I love these types of books. Thanks for the review.
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