Still, I really like Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong
Now, this book has great appeal to a first born, type A, black and white individual. That being said, I'm going to admit that I skimmed it. I skimmed it because I knew that a.) I probably DID agree with the conclusions of the book and b.) it probably wouldn't be a good idea for me to delve into this work so completely BECAUSE it would energize and charge me up in a way that I like to avoid charging myself. I'm working really hard these days at "toning down" and letting love truly dictate, rather than love of truth. There IS a distinction in that. One seems to have the ability to grow truth and the other kills it. I'm not entirely sure WHY that is and I can say that I don't always understand and/or like it. But it still seems to be true.
From everything that I did read (I read every other chapter, lightly) I cannot see that the authors of this book desire anything less than to love people who might disagree with them. However, they are also quite weary (rightfully so, I might add!) of the attitude that says we should ignore scriptures if that would help someone to feel more loved. The point that they are making with this book is that we've walked so far away from scripture that we are unable to love properly. I agree wholeheartedly with them in that, although I know that I need to exercise some internal caution when I say that.
I'm a black and white kinda gal. Gray? What IS that? I don't know. I know it exists because other people tell me so, not from personal experience. My father always said that I was no wilting violet and that I didn't lack in the opinion department. All of that is true. What has changed in me is that I acknowledge the fact that although I can't see the gray, it does exist and I need to listen for hints of it. That said, I particularly appreciated the fact that this book goes out of its way to address the "gray" subject matters and talks about how we need to glorify God in the gray as well. This makes my black and white mind feel better somehow. Yes, gray exists. But I'm not exempt from the call to glorify God in it. But gray is gray and it allows some flexibility in living. Flexibility is a good thing, right? At least, that's what I'm told.
Seriously, I think this is a great book for those who are grappling with the issues this book addresses. I'm entertained AND encouraged by MacArthur's thoughts on internet dating. I think he makes some good arguments against it while simultaneously admitting it works for people. Gray. Glorify God in it. I thought the article on American Idol (written by Tom Patton) was well thought out. It's a hard hitting book and one that holds great appeal to me. It just holds so much appeal that I needed to tread lightly, if that makes sense.
I still want to be Biblically accurate. I also want to remember that the greatest thing of all is love and love is precisely the thing that allows me the ability to be black and white and know that I am forgiven for it.
This sounds like a great book, Carrie, and you are very wise in your "(t)reading lightly"!
I think I'll have to track this one down -- I appreciate Christian writers who address the gray areas. There are so many in life.
I'm laughing reading this post, because I am sooo the same way! I've never thought of it in those words, though. I sure appriciate your book reviews. I hadn't read hardly any fiction in a long time because I didn't have the time to wade through the trash. Thanks to your blog, I'm actually able to read fiction again! :)
How the list of "Reasons We Were Meant to Be Friends" grows and grows.
"...letting love truly dictate, rather than love of truth..." - that is truly profound.
As a fellow first born, type A, black/white type of gal, I need that phrase imbedded in my thinking so it will influence my actions, especially with my children. Thanks for such an eloquent reminder.
Hmmm... I'm also a black & white, firstborn, type A, take no prisoners kind of girl. This book sounds interesting. I'm thinking I should pass on it for the same reasons you read lightly. :)
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