It's almost rather sick that this reading challenge is over. Here I was anticipating it with wild delight and glee and all of the sudden it's over. How can that BE?!
Ok, so it's The Time of Reckoning. Here's my original list in which I said that I would read 16 books
Out of the 17 books I listed, I completed 10 of them.
Here are the books I did read (with links to the reviews if you are interested) (I did read more than just these books, but I didn't keep a list. These are just the books I was focused on completing for the challenge.):
For Reading to Know:
1. Reformation and Revival: The Story of the English Puritans
2. How to Argue Like Jesus (I really liked this one a lot.)
3. Unveiling Islam (Very informative and enlightening!)
4. Breach of Trust (Very fun.)
For 5 Minutes for Books:
1. If You Lived Here, I'd Know Your Name
3 & 4. The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing Books 1 & 2
5. Margaret Mitchell & John Marsh: The Love Story Behind Gone With the Wind (Very long book but very interesting and intriguing!)
6. Tara Revisited
Katrina gave us some questionst that we could ask ourselves after participating in this challenge. One question was what our favorite thing was about the challenge. I'd have to say "That it existed at all!" which is pathetic but true! It motivated me to get cracking on my bookshelf and I accomplished a lot.
Thanks, Katrina!
Looking forward to the fall challenge!
Wait a minute -- I didn't read MORE books than you did, did I? Are these just the books that were on your list?
Yes, must be, because you DID read more books than that, like that set of kids' books that we are doing the giveaway for.
I kept track of everything I read, and I was really surprised!
Oh. Well, yes I did read more than these but I only included the books that were on the original challenge post itself. Because I didn't think of writing up all the others.
You have what looks like some "heavier" books there, plus you had a lot on your plate this spring, so I think you did great.
Nice job, Carrie! I like to read everything I say I'm going to read, too...but that doesn't always happen. :)
And your favorite thing about the challenge isn't pathetic at all...I feel the same way. It's amazing what that word "challenge" can do for my motivation.
Great job! I know what you mean, I was anxiously awaiting the challenge and then "poof" it's over lol. It was fun and I enjoyed reading your reviews as always. :)
Great job! Way to clean the bookshelves off!
Interesting books. I'll have to look into the How To Argue Like Jesus. Sounds interesting.
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