Let's talk about awesomeness, shall we? I am currently like Rachel Lynde, 'thinking in exclamation points'!
Get out those TBR list, gift giving lists, I-Want-This-More-Than-Any-Other-Book-In-The-World(-at-least-right-now) lists and any other list you have. Ready? Add this to it: The Anne of Green Gables Treasury
Well, if you like Anne as much as I do and you own multiple copies of Anne of Green Gables
Written by Carolyn Strom Collins and Christina Wyss Eriksson, they have put this book together for Anne-lovers to learn how to:
~ Prepare an Anne tea party (recipes included)
~ Orchestrate your garden with flowers that Anne likely (or did have) in hers.
~ Make-and-do crafts as Anne would have
The illustrations in this book are beautifully done and, as the authors indicated in their introduction, never show Anne's face. They quote Miss Josephine Barry in stating that Anne had "as many shades as a rainbow and every shade is the prettiest while it lasts." In order to preserve the imagination of the readers of this treasury, the authors requested that Anne's face always be turned away and so it is. I think this is a lovely compliment to Montgomery's readers and I'm grateful that such a request was made as it does allow you to enter Anne's world with a little more ease.
The Anne of Green Gables Treasury
If you are an Anne fanatic or know of one, I really cannot think of a more perfect gift to give them. I think that the authors have done such a great job not trying to add to Montgomery's work but rather to compliment it that I could not be more thrilled with it.
One of the things that so delights me about this book is that it is a work of love from mothers to their daughters. In the introduction to the book the authors state:
"Much of the charm of the Anne books lies in those details of everyday life in the Canadian Maitimes from the late 1800s through the end of World War I. As we talked about the books, we began to wonder if our children, growing up in a world of central heating and indoor plumbing, automobiles and shopping centers, television and computers, could possibly understand what Anne's world was really like. So, we took on the project of researching a bit of the background of the Anne books on their behalf."They conclude with what they learned by saying, "We were awed -- and so were our daughters."
I do not as yet have a daughter but when and if I ever do, I think wildly enthusiastic thoughts about sharing Anne with her. I think The Anne of Green Gables Treasury
For more information about this book, visit their website, Ingleside Impressions. If you skip over there, you will note that Collins & Eriksson have a few more titles you might be interested in, including some on the Little House series as well as The Secret Garden and Little Women. (Those titles look equally delightful!) To specifically learn more about the authors, click here.
Lastly, check out The Anne of Green Gables Christmas Treasury
"Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive--it's such an interesting world. It wouldn't be half so interesting if we know all about everything, would it? There'd be no scope for imagination then, would there?"Enjoy this new (or old) discovery of The Anne of Green Gables Treasury
- Anne of Green Gables
I own a copy of this book, so I don't need another one. I just wanted to say that it is a treasure! :-)
Anne of Green Gables Treasury! That sounds amazing! I want a copy! Badly!
(I'm thinking in exclamation points too.)
But, seriously. The Anne books (along with the Little House books and the Chronicles of Narnia) were and still are my staples. When I can't figure out what I'm in the mood to read, Anne always fits the bill. I would love to have a copy of this book.
I would love a copy! I grew up reading the Anne books and that series is one of the few that I also love as an adult!
Thank you! I love Anne!
Now if only this were a giveaway!...
Me, me!! :) I love Anne and cannot wait until the girls are old enough to get their own copy, as mine are to tattered for anyone to read but me. They are like Anne's carpet bag - you have to hold them "just so" or they fall apart. :) And, I'm thinking my almost 12 year old neice is getting a copy of the books this year for her birthday/Christmas.
Ooh, also! Do you have any inside scoop on when "The Blythes are Quoted" is going to be released in the US? I saw that it's on Amazon's Canadian site!
I love Anne! I can't wait until Ellie is old enough to introduce her to Anne-with-an-E. :)
I love Anne of Green Gables. I've read the books long ago and would love to read them again!!!!
Oh, wow!
My favourite series of all time: Anne of Avonlea. I read all the books,saved every penny from my allowance to go to the bookstore and purchase my very own hardcover copy. I believe they cost around $7.00--back in the early 70s. Worth every penny!
The moral of this story is, if you're Carrie Brownell and you start a sentence with "if you like Anne as much as I do", most people will just give up and stop reading right there.
I'm commenting in the hopes of winning for my wife, just so that's clear. :)
OMG, WANT! I love Anne. Being a redhead I loved reading about another capricious, precocious redheaded girl. Please enter me! Thank you!! My email is bibliophile at bostonbibliophile dot com.
I love the Anne books. The are so timeless. I enjoy them as much now as I did when I discovered them at 13. They are my all time favorites!
I borrowed this book from our library - and really enjoyed reading all the notes on the sidebar. I'll have to admit I learned a lot about the Island and I'm an Islander :)
Awesome, I really want to own this copy. Thanks for the chance. :D
linna.hsu at gmail dot com
I love Anne and anxiously anticipate the day when I can introduce my daughters to her. I'm waiting for the perfect age when they will understand the thrill of the books (and movie)! Thanks for offering the giveaway.
I am not a huge fan of Anne's only because I have never read any of her books! I have been meaning to share them with my girls and your post was a reminder of that. I have heard nothing but rave reviews of her stories and I appreciate the chance to win the treasury. :)
nIt is wonderful to get a book like this.
Would really love to be included for this.
I would like to win. As you know, Amanda and I both only JUST discovered Anne during your challenge last year. But we both loved her.
Amanda has not moved on beyond the first book, but I hope she will, and perhaps this book would encourage her to dig back in.
What a lovely prize! I didn't read or even hear of Anne until I was an adult and had seen the first film on PBS. I loved Anne and her imagination and how she grew into s spirited woman. I want to read them again some time.
Oh, this sounds absolutely wonderful. My oldest daughter and I both have read all the Anne books.
What a wonderful book. I would love to own a copy. Please enter me. Thanks!
Since my name is Anne, I have always identified with Anne---I even dye my hair red now.....I would love this book!!!!
Anne Shirley is one of a kind! There aren't many movies that I can say that about, but she is so innocent, talkative, a struggle for Marilla, etc. Can't say enough. I would absolutely LOVE to have this edition. Would be nice if everyone who signs up could get one. She's my all-time favorite.
Please enter me!!! Thanks!!!
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
I actually don't own any of the Anne books. I picked up one of the Anne of Green Gables while at the library yesterday. ISBN 0887765157 in case you're interested =)
I don't think I've ever read them, but I am determined to correct that.
My mother would just love to have a copy. She lost her childhood copy throughout her family's many moves and has missed it ever since.
This would be the best gift for her.
My name is Chelsea and my email is saulpaugh.chelsea(at)gmail(dot)com
This looks like so much fun, and I love the background of mothers researching for their daughters. Since I've already shared Anne with my 5-year-old daughter, this would be a perfect addition to bring more of Anne to life for her.
Anne is a part of the fabric of my thoughts. For example, I saw a pair of china dogs while browsing in an antique store, and thought, "Oh, we should get those for our fireplace, so it would be like the house Anne stayed in when she was at school!" (I don't remember which book that was in, but I distinctly remember china dogs!)
Would love to have a copy to share with my Grand Daughter.
Be blessed today
I love Anne.
You do know how to make me add things to my book list! I'll see if I win it and if not I'll head to Amazon!
Thank you Carrie!
I'd love to read this :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I love the Anne books and have read them all many times! Would love a copy of this book!
I LOVE Anne of Green Gables. My husband doesn't understand why at 29yo I still NEED to read these books over and over. I can't wait to share them with my daughter when she's older. Just found your blog and it is a bright spot to my day!
Love love love Anne! I've watched all the movies several times, read the books over and over (I own the set) and can't wait to share her with my 2yo daughter someday...
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
And we posted about this at Winning Readings:
I'd love to enter
OH! OH! OH! I love Anne of Green Gables and so did my daughters - we had the set of the books while they were growing up and they literally read them to pieces! I have wanted a set for so long. Not only for me to enjoy again as I didn't get much of a chance to while the girls had them LOL and would love to have them for my grandchildren. What a nice family memory this would make. And I MIGHT let the girls read them too. LOL Thank you for entering me.
Yesyesyesyes, oh yesyesyes!!! What an exciting prize! OOHOHOHOH!!
Our entire family loves the Anne books (and the movie series of course...), DH listened to the audio books, DD and I read out loud, and we've read a child's bio of L.M. Montgomery too!!
I am such a huge fan, and now I have a daughter is old enough to be a fan with me :).
I would love to win that book. I read it years ago and now i need to read it to the granddaughters (o:
I love Anne! I have all the movies but none of the books! Thanks for the chance to win!
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