Challenge that excites me at the moment:

The Nancy Drew Challenge hosted by Books, Movies & Chinese Food. However, I'm going to do it in conjunction with the Children's Classics Mystery Challenge which we'll be hosting over at 5 Minutes for Books. Details on that forthcoming (I'm super excited about it) and I hope we'll give you good enough reasons (and flexibility!) to join in. Hyped! Hyped!
Good Things To Link to (at the moment):
Seriously, I thought I'd create a whole post linking back to Tim Challies blog, but I'll spare you. He's been saying a lot of great things these days. Today though he posted about something that made me laugh hysterically.

A few links Challies has shared of late: Ten Awful Truths About Book Publishing and the new Dockers Ad (which had been pointed out to me by another friend of mine). Both links are interesting and thought-provoking in their own right.
Lastly, he himself is in the process of writing another book. If you'd like to gather his initial thoughts on this, CLICK HERE.
Wait, wait, wait! One more. Here's an article he wrote on Being a Diligent Listener on Sunday mornings. It's a long and thought drilling post on preparing to receive the Word and it was good for me to read.
Ok, moving on . . .
Giveaway Worth Begging for At the Moment:
I can't help but point this out. Interested in winning a copy of Creature & Bird by Andrew Zuckerman? Click over to 5 Minutes for Moms and read my post about said books and enter the giveaway over there. (You must leave a comment over there. Leaving one here absolutely will not count.)

Quote of the Moment:
“Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk of life”
- Napoleon Hill (although I do not know who he is and don't really know if I should be quoting him...)
Prayer of the Moment:
O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
And death's dark shadows put to flight.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
- O Come, O Come Emmanuel.
All I can Say at the Moment:
Moved beyond words (at the moment) at the comments left in the Choosing Gratitude post and giveaway. (The winner, btw, is J. Claire M.) I am assured that 1.) No one lives a life free of pain. 2.) There are few outlets for it and 3.) I ....just really don't even know. I'm going to be thinking about this post and this topic for some time.
All I'm going to say at the moment is that I WILL trust God "even when I don't understand, even then I will say again..." His love is strong. Thank Him for that. (I am.)
A Nancy Drew challenge!! I am so excited, I can barely type! I still have my aunt's 1972 copy that she gave me when I was about 10 years old. I own about 50 of these books. Nancy Drew was my childhood companion. I'm so excited!!
LOVE THE SONG. Needed it so much today!
And Nancy Drew? I'm all in!
Oh, I hadn't seen the Nancy Drew Challenge -- thanks for clueing me in to that. I think I'll be joining that one!
I loved Tim's post about the board games, too. Especially as a "gaming family" just cracked me up!
Nancy Drew?!!!!! I have my mom's books (#2-#9). The later ones aren't nearly as good as the originals. I can't wait until my kids are old enough for Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. We're easing into mysteries... The Bobbsey Twins, The Box Car Children, in a couple of years we'll read Trixie Belden and then Nancy Drew. O I am tempted to join in!!
The Secret of the Old Clock! Love it! I loved, loved, LOVED Nancy Drew (the original). I still have several of my books from when I was a girl (though I didn't own nearly as many as I wanted to; my parents were firm supporters of the public library).
Welcome to the challenge! Just wanted to let you know that there are now prizes for the challenge, here's the post that explains it Nancy Drew Challenge: Prizes
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