
Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday's Fave Five

This week it's going to be about books because, well, I'm just....a book blogger, that's all!

1. I had a fun outing with Bookworm1 the other evening in which we went to Goodwill and both sat down on the floor next to the children's books and pulled every single book with a whale or shark on the cover out for examination. It is SO FUN to book shop with my son. SO fun! We made a big stack and then whittled it down to our favorites and threw them in our basket. (And then I whittled down a little bit more when he wasn't looking.) We ended up spending $20 and came home with a big stack of books, both for him and for me! My favorite surprise (for myself) was to discover this beauty, which I had no idea was a book (originally):

This week has been a fantastic week for reading around these parts and I have totally enjoyed being surrounded by children who love books.

2. I've been having a ton of fun revisiting Anne of Green Gables this week. I finished reading the first story and am hyped to get on to Anne of Avonlea for a re-read of that. I loved this particular quote from Anne though. I find it most inspirational:

"Oh, it's delightful to have ambitions. I'm so glad I have such a lot. And there never seems to be any end to them -- that's the best of it. Just as soon as you attain to one ambition you see another glittering higher up still. It does make life interesting." - Anne, Anne of Green Gables.

And so it does! I could not possibly agree more if I tried.

3. (I know this is a repeat for some of you, but bear with me for a single second.) I've been having fun looking up Anne things!

I really get a kick out of enjoying books.

3. I also purchased a copy of the following book for the Children's Classic Mystery Reading Challenge:

Did you ever think of Cherry Ames as being part of the mystery genre? Well, she was! (Esp. some of the later titles.) I read these books when I was a teen and was pleased to discover that they have been republished! I owned 5 or 6 from when I was younger (and they are old and falling apart). I didn't have the first book though so I bought a copy and am diving in and having fun with that. More on Cherry in the very near future!

(In the meantime, you probably getting sick of this, but you can enter to win an Emma Parker locket from 5 Minutes for Books regardless of whether or not you choose to participate in any reading challenges. The contest closes on Sunday so make sure you hop over quickly and leave a comment to be entered into the contest!)

4. I won a Nancy Drew game from Books, Movies and Chinese Food that arrived in the mail yesterday:

I'm looking forward to playing it, specifically in conjunction with the Mystery Reading challenge. I probably sound a little ridiculous but I am having so much fun just re-reading my old friends. Which leads me to....

5. I just LOVE to read. (No, no really!) I am truly enjoying what I'm reading these days. I don't feel bogged down with review copies I don't feel like reading anymore (now that they are finally here) and I'm able to take the time to BE with the books I am choosing to read. I'm giving myself time to think through what I've read and it just feels nice. Books are so much a part of who I am, that I'm glad to finding the reading experience blissful instead of feeling pressured to just crank stuff out.

I hope that whether you are participating in challenges or not, you are finding the time to read and that you are enjoying the books you pick up!

Have a great weekend, y'all!



ellen b said...

Now Carrie wouldn't it be fabulous to culminate your revisiting the Anne classics with a trip to Prince Edward Island??? That's on my bucket list :0)
Love the visual I have of you and your son at Goodwill sorting through the books!

nikkipolani said...

How delightful to have a shopping trip like that with your son! I like how you can really splurge at a second-hand store -- so little guilt :-)

Barbara H. said...

I agree with Ellen. A blogger Anne-lover trip to PEI would be wonderful!

I'm loving revisiting with Anne. too.

Catherine said...

Anna and the King of Siam -- very good book (more brutal than the theatrical or movie productions).

I loved Cherry Ames! How fun to find them again.

I also loved Nancy Drew. Like you, I had some of the much older versions when I was a kid -- I remember spending my allowance on them at our church's rummage sale. I also remember being very creeped out by them.

Melissa said...

I haven't been doing much reading lately, and you've made me miss it! The used-book shopping trip sounds like so much fun!

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

This is good, Carrie. I love "hearing" from people who obviously LOVE reading as you do.

have a blessed weekend!

madelyn said...

I love pulling out the old favorites. You can always tell if I've had a bad week by how many Nancy Drews are piled next to my bed. (Did you ever read the Dana girls? Heart!) Sounds like a very successful trip!

Sky said...


storyteller said...

How wonderful that you blog about books and share your love of reading with others! Thanks for your visit to Small Reflections. I've just returned from a morning class and am playing 'catch up' ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Hazel said...

How wonderful! I wish my lifestyle nowadays would allow me to be in the middle of books. Well, I'm in the middle of them actually but they're soooo not Anne of Green Gable-ish. I went crazy over Nancy Drew when I was in 7th grade, but weren't we all?:) Anna and the King of Siam is banned in Thailand, both book and movie. Maybe I'll get to read and watch it when I'm out of here.

Lisa notes... said...

What a great mother you are to enjoy shopping with your son. That sounds like a fun outing to me, too.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Oh, my...I've found a bibliophile after my own heart! I am SO glad I found your blog!! I was a Cherry Ames and Nancy Drew fan growing up, and seeing the book covers took me back. I have two stacks of books waiting by my bed.

And I love the story of book shopping with your boy. Some of our best days are spent in a bookstore!

Susanne said...

Oh I am with you on #5! I've just plain been enjoying some books with no pressure and it's been great.

I have never read a Cherry Ames book and I don't recall ever hearing of them either. I was a Trixie Beldon fan myself when a young teen.

My daughter loves the Nancy Drew games.

Beth said...

I read Anna and the King of Siam somewhere in my highschool years and really enjoyed it. I may be time for a re-read.

Unknown said...

I know you said you wanted to feature some ND games at 5M4B. We could squeeze it into "Books on Screen" (the computer screen!!).

I just got Kyle a Whale book at the library yesterday (and picked up Anne of Avonlea for Amanda, because I have a copy on my Kindle.

Deborah said...

yay so glad to hear you got your prize, hope you enjoy it!

Lisa Spence said...

I loved Cherry Ames as a girl. Totally wish I could get my hands on one! What fun!

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