Howard Whitehouse = P.G. Wodehouse for YA readers. (Let's say that again: Whitehouse, Wodehouse. See, it's close?!) Essentially, that explains this series in a nutshell. And if you don't know who P.G. Wodehouse is then you have some serious catch up work to do around here folks!
To recap - last January (2009) I read the first two books in this series, The Strictest School in the World then The Faceless Fiend. Then in March I read the third book in the series entitled The Island of Mad Scientists.
For a refresher course, read my review of The Strictest School in the World and The Faceless Fiend.
Here is my review of The Island of Mad Scientists.
Ever since then I've tried convincing you all to pick up these books and read them. I don't know whether my pleas have worked (except in one case I was firmly told that the person bought the books but I'm not so sure it wasn't just to make me be quiet already.)
Well, I'm back again and I'm beating the same "READ THIS SERIES" drum. It kind of looks like this:

But I'm offering incentive. Oh yes.
Kids Can Press has offered to give away a set - all three books! - to one of you Reading to Know readers. How's THAT for motivation? You cannot pass this up. Tell me you cannot! You simply MUST not because this is a series that is not to be missed.
To win? Well, I considered having you build your own flying machines and submitting the designs for a contest. And then I thought I'd host some sort of Blog in Chiligriti competition which I thought would be a real "hooty-hoot" but, in the end, decided that it would be best simply to ask you to leave a comment. U.S. AND CANADIAN residents with bonus points to anyone who actually leaves a believable comment in Chiligriti. Because that's how I'm rolling today. The contest will be open through Thursday, April 8th.
Thank you, Kids Can Press, for offering up copies of this series to one of my readers. This is tremendously generous of you and I'll be thankful to you until they know to be.
Once again folks, this ain't no April Fool's Joke. It's for real!
Goodness gracious! Sign me up for this one, too! : )
I keep telling you to PICK ME, but it never happens :-( I guess I'll try one more time ;-)
I'd love to win these - my library doesn't carry these books.
I'm familiar with Wodehouse but haven't read anything by him yet. I'd love it if you could recommend a few great books to start with! Thanks for the great contest!
jlsemon at gmail dot com
Sign me up! Thank you!
Please sign me up! Thanks for hosting this.
I like the drummer... !
Bill ;-)
billsmith2003 (at) gmail (dot) com
Hope you'll check out my book giveaway:
I haven't read these, CArrie, and you know I must!
Sign me up!
I am going to start reading The Strictest School in the World sometime today thanks to your reviews and I would love to win a set!
I don't know anything about these, but I'm thinking JAM would like them, and me too!
I read the first book (once again, at your recommendation...you do that to me), and while it didn't blow me out of the water like the MBS, I could definitely see how it would be wonderfully enjoyable to kids. I'd love to win it to give it to the same girl I lent MBS (and the 4 siblings that come behind her!).
No, I cannot pass this up! Please enter me in this. (Since my sister told you about this series, it HAS to be good, right?)
BTW, I didn't say I don't like biographies - I said I'm very picky because many are not so good. But I LOVE a good biography!
Yea!!! My library does not have these and (from your earlier recommendations) I really want to add them to my brain and library!
Please enter me! These sound fabulous.
PS - my first born will turn 21 on April 28!
This really does sound great. Please count me in!!!
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Wow! Sounds like a wonderful series...thanks for the recommendation and the chance to win.
I have wanted to read this series since your first review. Enter me please. My Uncle Michael and my birthday is Apri 9, Do I get an extra entry? :)
We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings.
These sound great! Please enter me.
Please enter me! I am always on the lookout for new reads for my kiddos.
Also, my daughter Mary is turning 10 this month. She would be thrilled to have these for her birthday!
This sounds like a wonderful series. I would love to have them.
Thanks for the contest. Please enter me.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I've never heard of this series before but your post has made me want to run out and buy them! But, of course, I'll try to win them first. Please enter my name in your draw! Thanks!
Throwing my hat into the ring,too. :)
Enter me here too!
Include me! I love finding new kids books!
My nephew would love these.
ebeandebe at gmail dot com
These sound like perfect read-alouds - what a wonderful giveaway! thanks for a chance to win. :)
nnjmom at yahoo dot com
This would make the perfect birthday gift for my nephew's birthday.
I would love to win these!
Please include me. These books look great.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I believe that owning these books will make you into a better person.
Sounds wonderful. Me, me, me... :)
Oh I have been wanting to read this series for a while now!
I want! I want! I love to give books to my grandchildren and they love to get them!
mittens0831 at aol dot com
These look like such fun! Please enter me so that I can learn Chiligriti!
Please sign me up for this lot!!!
Sounds so wonderful.
Looks like a great series!!
I am so intrigued!
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