In order to make it easier for you all to bop about, I'm listing all of your links in this one blog post. Visit one or two (at least!) other posts and leave comments. After all, there is joy in learning from one another on this journey!
But enough talk - here are the links!
Amy at Hope is in the Word read Prince Caspian this time around.
Melinda at Wholesome Womanhood read The Horse and His Boy and Prince Caspian. She also shared her favorite quotes from each of the Narnia books.
Annette at Live, Learn, Love listened to Voyage of the Dawn Treader (the Focus on the Family Radio drama.)
Stephanie at Simple Things set and realized goals with her daughters in the land of Narnia (which included reading The Silver Chair.)
Janet from Across the Page watched The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe movie with her family and shared her reflections. She also shared about A Book of Narnians (which I now want!!) and The Land of Narnia. If you have kids, you'll want to check her posts out!
Mark from Random Ramblings from Sunny Southern California read The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe as well as The Horse and His Boy. (I thought he made an interesting comparison between the later title and the Book of Esther in the Bible.)
Ibeeeg shared about the music inspired by Narnia (which I am also a huge fan of, by the way!) She also wrote up a completely awesome post about her experience reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader this past month. She read it along with her daughter, EJ, who also shared her thoughts on the book. Great post!
Bekahcubed wrote some seriously awesome posts as well (and, I've noticed, has done a superb job of visiting around to see what all the rest of you had to share!) Despite the fact that she has her own challenge going to read every book in her library, she stops to re-read Narnia books with me. (Cool.) She wrote a review of Inside The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. (I'm gonna have to buy that one!) Bekah has been reading The Cross of Christ, by John Stott and incorporated that into her Narnia challenge writing Unsatisfactory Satisfaction (pointing out one of Narnia's flaws?!) , The Cross Satisfied the Law? and Evaluating Trustworthiness in Narnia.
Welcome to Our Wonderland (aka Butterfly Wishes and Wonderland Dreams) and her kids read through four books which were adapted from the movie version. I was glad to see that she wrote about these. I read through the Susan book with Bookworm1 this past month but never got around to writing about it. You might want to check these out if you are interested in bringing your younger readers into Narnia. She also shared what her 9 year old read as well as what her four year old read. Lastly, she wrote a post about the movies they watched and games they played relating to Narnia. I LOVE the family interaction here!
Page Turner shared her reading summary which includes highlighting some of the Narnia picture books she found at her library. (Now I'm going to have to check my library!)
Lastly, Heidi at Reviews & Reflections posted her challenge update. I'm sincerely impressed that she read five out of the seven titles this past month! Hats off to you, Heidi and thanks for playing along!
All of these posts were interesting, each in their own way. Insightful, thought-provoking, FUN! You might not have time to visit every post, but do try to hit at least two. I'm certain you'll learn something and grow in your love of Narnia.
I hope you all enjoyed the challenge and we'll absolutely be back for it again next year!
Further Up and Further In!
I'm late, but I did get my post up today. You can see it here: http://heidi-strawser.blogspot.com/2010/08/narnia-reading-challenge-update.html
this weekend I'm going to be checking out all these great links! :)
This is great -- a big help in making everyone's links accessible. Thanks!
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