The goal - set some reading goals to accomplish during the fall (September 22 - December 20th, 2010.) Here is my goal, roughly and simply stated:
Finish reading my books received for review so that I can start out the new year with a clean slate!
I've been thinking on it a great deal lately and I'm less inclined to read new titles coming out than I am in reading (and re-reading) books chosen for my own pleasure (most of which are not considered new releases. ;) Not to say that reading review copies of books isn't fun and a sometimes a terrifically pleasurable experience. But accepting review copies does tend to dictate what I read and when and I'm feeling a bit more burdened by that these days. I miss the freedom to pick up what I want, when I want, without thinking that I need to hurriedly get to a particular title in time for a release date or to meet a publisher's expectations. Again, not that that's a bad thing - but it is constricting.
With a new baby on the way, I'm not quite certain how much reading time I'll have in the spring and so I want to make sure that whatever reading time I have is devoted to books I have chosen and/or love for the sake of me, myself and I. (That sounds so selfish. But reading IS my vice and so I kinda feel like I can be kinda selfish about it. Kids go down for a nap and I read. That's the way it works.)
I've actually been plugging away at review copies the past few months and I have only accepted a handfull of titles to read throughout the fall but this is my goal. Here are some of the ones I accepted and am looking forward to reading during the Fall Into Reading 2010 challenge:

All of them captured my attention in some way or another and I AM looking forward to giving them a read. But then I'm looking forward to starting January off as free and clear as possible so that I can pursue things like:
- The Lucy Maud Montgomery Challenge
- Books that Disney films were Based On
- Lots of C.S. Lewis
- Some Harry Potter that I've been thinking I'll go ahead and read
- Classics that I've wanted to read but haven't found time for
- Books that I've been longing to re-read
So that's my plan. There are plenty of books out there and I just find myself in a position now where I want to pursue things by whim and fancy - and as my time permits.
Thanks, Katrina, for hosting this Fall Reading Challenge as it really made me focus on my long term reading goals, which is something I rather needed to do!
I review books and yep I know exaclty what your saying i'm thinking from now on it's childrens book or only books that i know i would LOVE (authors i know etc..) I miss picking up a book at the library sometimes because i have too many review books (but like you I love reading and review books are fun too) .
I'm joining this and will have to add some of your reads to my list
thanks for the book ideas and knowing I'm not the only one who feels that way sometimes.
BTW: my girls are LOVING the Narnia books we won :)
I know what you mean about review books, I currently have four awaiting review on my blog. I'm enjoying them, but not the pressure!
You scared me for a minute! I though I forgot about it at first, but thankfully I have a few more days to put a list together. I have plenty on hand to choose from -- it is just a matter of deciding which ones.
can't wait to read your thoughts on God's Lyrics. That one looks really interesting!
"Some" Harry Potter? Girl, you crack me up! Could you sound any more ambivalent? Of course, I'll freely admit my prejudice considering Harry--and my opinion is that "some" is definitely not enough! Ha!
=D Yes, well, ok everyone - I'm reading Harry Potter because of Lisa & Jennifer. But I'm not making promises as to how far I'll go. ;D
I hear ya, Carrie!
Hmmm. . . I think I need a list for when I finish my Bible challenge!
Ah reading challenges... I'm just not BFF with them. Every time I start one I follow it until another book comes along that "I just have to read" and then another, and then I get side tracked by a suggested read which leads me down a different reading plan!
And reviewing? I am just so busy reading I never have time to review!
I love YOUR Reviews however and feel that I live a vicarious reading life through your blog.
Harry Potter; the first three, I liked. The fourth one is ok, the fifth I found so highly disappointing that I couldn't finish it and then I didn't even bother finding out what happens in six and seven. SIGH
I can't wait to hear YOUR thoughts!
Books I stashed in the trailer for emergency reading;
Blue Castle by LMM
Have His Carcase by Dorothy Sayers
Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
I have to say I love the idea that FALL is just around the corner, I can almost smell it!
All of your books look very interesting. I can't wait to see what you have to say about them.
About HP: I agree with the previous commenter. I pre-read the first three for my oldest and enjoyed the writing style and well-developed plot, then ran into some kids who were really taking the HP thing too far ("casting" spells from the book, etc.) and was wary of the next one. Number four was okay, but getting a bit weird. Number five was disappointing and I decided to stop there. Thankfully, my oldest was out of the HP phase by then. My hubby wound up reading six and warned me NOT to read it (too dark, he said) because I wouldn't like it.
We haven't let the next oldest read them because what is the point if you can't finish the series? He can make his own decision about them when he is older...as I am sure you will.
I hope all of the books on your list are winners!!
I'm really interested in the 12 Days Christmas cookbook. I love cookbooks. :)
I couldn't help it. My eyebrows shot right up my forehead when I saw you were considering reading Harry Potter in 2011. I am VERY curious to hear your thoughts on the series. My own opinion changed in 10 years fro the 1990s when they came out the to the 2000s when they started being made into films. I'll be interested to see where you end up.
You list for this fall looks VERY interesting! I love the idea of a challenge but somehow I always get sidetracked and never finish them. I'm also interested in your take on Harry. So far I've steered clear of the series. Since we have similar views on magic in books I'll be waiting to see what you think.
I am glad you posted about this ... working on my reading list now! Thank you! :O)
I have the Agency that you gave me on my pile, so hopefully I'll get to it soon.
This Children's Bookstore I visited (and wrote a Patch article about the owner's expertise) had The Agency on her shelf of "recommended YA reads." I thought that was cool, because I had only ever heard of it from you.
Your plan sounds perfect, and I know exactly what you mean about appreciating the review books but feeling constrained by them. (I find myself accepting fewer an fewer books for review these days because I just want to read what I want to read.)
Personally, I'm looking forward to hearing about The Faithful Parent and the 12 Days of Christmas Cookbook.
Thanks for being part of Fall Into Reading 2010. So glad you could join the fun!
Carrie, you make me laugh....reading is my vice, too!
What are you thinking about reading of C. S. Lewis? Any chance the Space Trilogy will be included?
Hadn't thought of a cookbook...reading it or cooking your way through!! I did like watching the movie Julie & Julia, so perhaps you could work on that with this, read, cook, eat, YUUMMM!
I've made a note of The Agency - as I live in London I love books that are set here. Judith
I'm hearing you on the review books. Sometimes I take on so many my poor book basket actually groans under the weight of the books that I've wanted to read. :v)
Looks like you have an awesome list waiting to be read! But, what I am most interested in from reading your post is the L.M. Montgomery challenge coming up in January!! I love Anne of Green Gables, but would love to read some of her other works as well! I signed up with your blog via email so I can be reminded of when this challenge starts!!
So glad I found your blog!!
Happy Reading!
Good Luck & Happy Reading!
I totally understand what you're saying. And yes, you DO need to take this time to read what YOU want to read while you can. Not selfish at all!
I'll be curious to see what you say about "God's Lyrics" and "The Faithful Parent." They're both intriguing to me (along with many others).
I found your blog via Katrina's Fall into Reading 2010 challenge. This is my first time to do it, so I'm excited. I know what you mean by not wanting the pressure. My list is fairly short for that reason. I enjoy reading book reviews so I can find good books for myself and my middle schoolers. Good luck!
Ah, Harry Potter. Such a controversial set of books. :) I hesitated to read them because of the magic issue, but was getting questions from people about why I objected to the series when I hadn't even read them. I decided to read the first couple chapters when the first book had an excerpt online. After that I had no interest in reading the series because I thought the writing was poor, in addition to my concerns about the magic. :) I'll be interested to hear what you think of them!
I hear you on the review copies. I don't receive nearly as many review books as you and I still feel they cramp my reading style. It's fun getting free books but it's also fun getting to peruse the library and pick up anything that looks interesting.
Happy reading!
I mixed my reading challenge books with books I have to review and those that I personally picked up to read. It keeps me motivated.
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