
Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday Favorite Five

Time for a Friday's Fave Five hosted by Living to Tell the Story.

Cutting right to the chase here....

#1 - Last week I mentioned that it was Bookworm1's 4th Birthday. He requested a hippo cake and several of you asked to see it. So here it is:

We had a lovely weekend of celebration. Some friends came over and we had a hippo party (which he got a kick out of) and then we took a little day trip on Saturday. He had a great day and we had fun together. I love birthdays. I think I've mentioned that a time or two! It was wonderful to celebrate his with him.

#2 - Our copy of Tumtum & Nutmeg: The Rose Cottage Tales arrived in the mail and we've started reading it. There are three stories in this new addition. Bookworm1 and I blazed through the first story and we're in the middle of the second. I'm trying to pace us a bit more so that we can linger with our mouse-y friends. I love it when I find a book that my kids like to read. It's fun to cuddle up and read with them! (Bookworm2's book of late is Inside Outside Upside Down because at the end of the book he gets to yell out, "MA-MA! MA-MA!" . . . "I went to town! Inside a box and upside down!")

#3 - We had a really fun family night out on the town earlier this week. We took the kids to a local Indian food restaurant which is kinda risky for a 1 and 4 year old but they gobbled it right up -- and gulped water down like nobody's business! ("Mommy, did you know that when you drink water it makes the spicy disappear?") It was just a fun, relaxing night out of the house. Of course, we ended the evening at the local bookstore so who am I to complain?

#4 - Marriage. Some friends of ours celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary this week. We just love this couple and are so thankful that they are in our lives. They encourage us, celebrate with us, "get" us and just live life right beside us! We've a long way to go before we reach 47 years but we have an excellent example to watch in the meantime!

#5 - The prayer support of faithful friends. Sometimes things just pop up in your life and you want to know that you can turn to a set of friends and ask for prayer and believe that they will honor your request. That's a huge and tremendous blessing! I'm so grateful to know that when the chips are down, I can make a quick phone call or shoot of a quick e-mail and my needs are being acknowledged and prayed over. I'm not alone. There is something beautiful in that and I find myself closing the week out on a peaceful and blessed note.

Hope you all enjoy a great weekend!



Melissa said...

Adorable cake!

I'm also thankful for the example of long-lasting marriages & praying friends!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Sounds like a wonderful week. Happy birthday to your son. Great cake!!

Barbara H. said...

I would not have known where to start with a hippo cake, but that is brilliant. I love birthdays, too, and I'm glad you got to celebrate with a hippo cake and party and a day trip.

Amen for numbers 4 and 5.

Jerralea said...

Love that hippo cake - so cute! Does Bookworm like that game, Hungry Hungry Hippos? My kids sure did!

It is a real blessing to have friends you can call on when you need prayer. Everyone needs a church family for just such a time!

coffeewoman said...

What an incredible cake. I could never make one like that. You just gave me a new idea for a book to read to my kids!

Melissa said...

The hippo cake is gorgeous! How did you do that? Glad that you had a happy celebration!

As Barbara H said, Amen to #4 and #5!

Sky said...

Amen on the chips-are-down prayer warriors!

Gidget Girl Reading said...

what a wonderful list I'm going to have to do this linky next week.

that cake is AWESOME!!!!

checking library right now to see if we have that book looks right up my 4 year olds alley!

Carrie said...

The cake ended up being incredibly easy. =) The hardest part was hunting all over town for those chocolate rocks! Otherwise, it was icing the grass and water, surrounding it with the rocks and adding the cake topper ( for $4.99!). And a homemade cake so I figure that was a nice little set! Plus, he gets to keep the hippo heads to play with which was a tremendously big hit. =)

ellen b said...

That cake is awesome!!
That also looks like a book I would enjoy. Love the cover! Prayer support, celebrations, and good spicy food. sounds like one great week!

Janet said...

That cake is a stroke of genius. What a shame it had to be eaten! And the Indian restaurant jaunt -- adventurous indeed...

Sounds like a lovely week.

Sandy@Jesus and Dark Choc said...

Love the cake, I could not picture it so it's great to see the picture. LOVE it!!!!!!!
Love what you said about the prayer support of true! :)

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Precious cake! I've got to look up the TumTum books for my grandson.

I know what you mean about that prayer support. It's a real blessing to have friends you can count on to pray for you, isn't it?

Loved hearing about your boys' excitement over reading!!

Have a great week ahead.

Annette W. said...

LOVE IT! The cake is awesome! Are those little toys in it?

Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful cake. The other 4 things are awesome, too :)

Lisa notes... said...

That hippo cake is INCREDIBLE! Wow. Your Indian food night sounds like it went over well. I don’t know how my kids would do with that. Ha. 47 years is wonderful for your friends' marriage. Definitely a reason to celebrate.

I don’t know what I would do without my friends praying for me. Definitely a favorite…every week. Hope you're having a great weekend.

Susanne said...

Forty seven years. That is amazing!

That is an awesome cake.

Hazel said...

That's a charming book. Love the cover. Happy birthday to your son.

Krista said...

I've been fairly AWOL from the computer this week it seems, 3 comments needing to be left! (Noah sleeps in with the computer and hasn't been sleeping much lately, and also sleeping very lightly so I can't go in when he's asleep)

That cake is adorable! Are those candy rocks?

We are going to Newberg in 2 weeks to visit Brian's sick grandma and while there meeting with the pastor and his wife who married us. We haven't been able to find a couple here that we could just "be" with and I think we really need that more than anything. I almost wonder if it wouldn't be something worth moving for. Our church is huge, but they don't do mentoring. Lame.

Stephanie Kay said...

Very cute cake! For some reason I was confused about Bookworm 1's birthday. I thought it was near Ellie's in August. But no, he's 4 (like Ellie) with a birthday near Sam's (end of Oct.). Sounds like you had a fun party.

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