A few months back I let y'all in on a little deal that the author of The Strictest School in the World series, Howard Whitehouse, made concerning his books. Now, I have a set of these books to giveaway to one of you today, but the original deal that Mr. Whitehouse offered was - and IS - this:
He is offering autographed sets of the three books for $15 (plus $6 for mailer and stamps.)
The books are "The Strictest School in the World : Being the Tale of a Clever Girl, a Rubber Boy and a Collection of Flying Machines, Mostly Broken" (2006) - a Victorian prison break tale set at a boarding school involving flying machines and pterodactyls. (See my review HERE.)
"The Faceless Fiend, Being the Tale of a Criminal Mastermind, His Masked Minions and a Princess with a Butter Knife, Involving Explosives and a Certain Amount of Pushing and Shoving " (2007) - in which a master criminal plans to kidnap loveable-yet-deranged Princess Purnah, with Sherlock Holmes, a Belgian Birdman, and an elderly dog. (See my review HERE.)
"The Island of Mad Scientists , Being an Excursion to the Wilds of Scotland, Involving Many Marvels of Experimental Invention, Pirates, a Heroic Cat, a Mechanical Man and a Monkey " (2008) - where our adventurers are pursued madly, and a whole collection of Victorian scientists (some real, some not) and held captive. (See my review HERE.)
I opted in and replaced my set of books with an autographed set. Now I'm that much cooler. (And you can be also. Because if I jumped off a (reading?) cliff, you would follow me, right? Right?!)
Today I'm not only happy to say that the offer is still open (so if you didn't take advantage of it previously, you still may) but that Mr. Whitehouse as offered to giveaway a complete hardback set - autographed and all! - to one of my readers here at Reading to Know.
In order to win this hardback set of books?
Simply leave a comment below! This contest is open to U.S. residents only and will be open through Thursday, April 7th.
Extra entries:
* Blog about today's April Fool's Giveaways and earn one extra entry per contest. (Make sure to leave a second comment for that extra entry!)
* Become a "fan" on Facebook. (Because yes, I've stooped to Facebook!)

Also, don't forget (!) that you can purchase a set of these books directly from Mr. Whitehouse. To make arrangements to that end, please e-mail him at – professorbellbuckle (at) yahoo (dot) com
Happy April Fool's Day! I hope you have had (and are having) fun with these very for real contests. Happy Reading, all!
I've had these on my want list since last time you blogged about them!
bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com
I liked you on facebook.
WOOT WOOT!!!! Don't count my comment as an entry b/c I bought my own copy, but we LOVE this series and I'm so excited that someone will get a free copy! :)
Wow! How clever and original!
Blogged about the giveaway event!
fan of FB!
Of course I would like to get these for my boys! ;)
FB fan
Thanks for the giveaways- always looking for new books to share with my kids.
artandjen at juno.com
Jen N
These would be a wonderful addition to our family library.
I became a fan on Facebook.
The books sound interesting.
Okay--so I was just thinking that Amanda should try AGAIN. Or in fact, maybe I'll do them as a read-aloud.
I have the second two, but one is missing the jacket, and I don't have the first one. Am not sure what happened to it. . . .
Wow! You have really pulled out all the stops today!
I'm a facebook fan!
No I want these!
I would love the chance to add these to our library :)
FB fan
Hi! I found you through Amanda's blog...thanks for the cool giveaway! It's always great to have new reading material for my husband and I to devour (we read aloud to each other at night).
A little above my son's reading level, but since I have boxes of books "to grow into" I might as well add cool ones like these!
I included your contests in Friday's post on my blog.
I'm a FB fan!
Not an entry bc I already jumped off that reading cliff with you!
I would love to have these books.
What a great giveaway! Thank you!
I am a FB Fan!
I have blogged about this great event!
We'd love a set of these. Thanks for the fun day.
Wow, sounds like something I need to read.
I blogged about this great giveaway!
thanks for the giveaway.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
giveaway posted on my blog
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I would love to own one of these! thanks for the giveaway, I'm now a subscriber of your blog
Pick me! Pick me!
These look great! Thanks.
Sounds great. Count me in please.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
How fun!
I'd love to win this set! Thanks!
Like you on facebook
I just found your blog so this is my first time hearing about these books. They sound interesting and as a mother to some reading lovers, I love to have them!
Well, I don't think I would "fallow" you but I might "follow" you off a book cliff. :) I'd love to add these to our library for my growing readers to enjoy in a few years.
Books. Reading to Know. Facebook 'like.'
These look awesome; count me in!
urchiken at gmail dot com
Well, seeing as I never bought us a set of these books, add me to the list!
These books would be great. Love to win them. Please enter me. Thanks!
I'd love to win these for my grandsons!
mittens0831 at aol dot com
These have been on my 'to be read' list for a long time. Thanks for the awesome giveaways!
Better late than never!
Times two! :)
Great books! Thanks for the chance.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I like you on Facebook
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Hi Carrie! I am so glad I finally checked out your blog! I can't wait to try out some of your suggestions. These titles sound interesting/fun!
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