I've wanted to give him some focused attention for some time, the more familiar I became of his work. For the longest time, the only title I ever associated him with was The Wump World
From what I can tell, Bill Peet wrote and illustrated 36 stories for children and participated in the making of at least 12 full length animated feature films as well as several short films. I think the movie that most shows off his particular style is, without a doubt, 101 Dalmatians
His stories for children are frequently fantastical, often told in rhyme, and can easily be identified on sight as belonging to him. He had a very unique style.

Peet wasn't much of an scholar (failing all of his classes except for phys ed, apparently) and so he pursued art courses through Arsenal Technical High School in Indiana. It was there that he met his wife, Margaret. Eventually he received scholarships to go to John Herron Art Institute, also in Indiana, and graduated from there. Post-graduation he heard that Disney was hiring and sent them some samples of his work. Peet made it through a one-month audition process (no pressure there!) and was hired on. He worked on earlier Disney films, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Peet said once that he learned to tell children's stories simply by doing so - to his own children first and foremost. He honed his skills on his own family and I think that just makes him pretty wonderful right there! (Not to mention the fact that his stories are very entertaining and appealing to adults as well.) I rather consider him a lesser known Suess who should absolutely be more well-known than he currently is!
Peet lived to be 87 years old, leaving behind an illustrated autobiography and good, meaty stories to delight the masses. (You can read Janet from Across the Page's review of Bill Peet's autobiography HERE.)
Here is a list of his book titles, as collected from Wikipedia:
- The Ant and the Elephant
- Big Bad Bruce
- Bill Peet: An Autobiography
- Buford the Little Bighorn
- The Caboose Who Got Loose
- Capyboppy
- Chester the Worldly Pig
- Cock-a-doodle Dudley
- Countdown to Christmas
- Cowardly Clyde
- Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent
- Eli
- Ella
- Eleanor the Elephant
- Farewell to Shady Glade
- Fly Homer Fly
- The Gnats of Knotty Pine
- Goliath II
- How Droofus the Dragon Lost His Head
- Hubert's Hair-Raising Adventure
- Huge Harold
- Jennifer and Josephine
- Jethro and Joel Were a Troll
- Kermit the Hermit
- The Kweeks of Kookatumdee
- The Luckiest One of All
- Merle the High Flying Squirrel
- No Such Things
- Pamela Camel
- The Pinkish, Purplish, Bluish Egg
- Randy's Dandy Lions
- Smokey
- The Spooky Tail of Prewitt Peacock
- The Whingdingdilly
- The Wump World
- Zella, Zack, and Zodiac
The more we read of Peet, the more we like him. The more we read, the more entertaining the films on which he worked. If you haven't yet made the introduction, waste no more time! Get thee to a library and snatch up every title you can find! I can't help but think you'll be delighted. I know we are and will continue to be for many years to come.
We love Bill Peet in our house. Thanks for this post on him.
Wow! I didn't know Peer worked for Disney! Thanks fir enlightening me! I can't wait for your post tomorrow! (Could I possibly use more exclamation points?)
We love Bill Peet, but I had no idea of the Disney relation. We only have three books. I highly recommend The Ant and the Elephant and definitely How Droofus the Dragon Lost His Head. M recommends Ella.
I should borrow some from the library!
How sad is it that I had never heard of him?! Probably no surprise from me, though! ;)
That name sounds so familiar, but none of those books are ringing a bell. Maybe I've just seen his name on film credits. I love the style of animation in the films you mentioned -- so much better than a lot of what is cranked out these days.
His autobiography was one of my favorite books as a kid.
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