
Monday, January 16, 2012

LMM Giveaway - BONUS (because it's a holiday and all)

So, I walked into my local Goodwill and there, staring at me from the shelf right by the front door, was Tales from Avonlea - Beginnings. And I thought to myself, "WHO GOT RID OF THIS?!?!?!?!" And then I thought to myself, "I'm CERTAIN I can find someone who will LOVE it!!"

Now the only question is - is that person YOU!?

If you haven't yet been introduced to the wonderful world of Avonlea through Sullivan Entertainment's Road to Avonlea series then you, well, really should watch it. Find it at your library, buy the set (they are rather hefty in price but worth every penny, in my opinion!) or do SOMEthing. This is just an awesome, fun series and I highly recommend it. (Highly, highly, highly.)

This particular set that I found at Goodwill is a "collection" set, of sorts. It has only eight episodes (from Seasons 1 and 2) but these are some of my favorites. I hope they'll be yours also.

It has:

  • The Journey Begins
  • Proof of the Pudding (HAHAHAAHA! Oh my.)
  • The Quarantine At Alexander Abraham's (I snicker just typing the title, it's that great.)
  • The Materializing of Duncan
  • The Witch of Avonlea
  • Nothing Endures But Change
  • How Kissing Was Discovered (Helllloo, Felicity & Gus!)
  • Aunt Hetty's Ordeal

Just enter. I can't think of why you'd be terribly disappointed by this. (And what a great, cheap way to familiarize yourself with this series if you haven't already done so youverybadperson, you!!)

This contest is open to U.S. Residents only and will be open through Sunday, January 22nd. (And yes, if you are participating in the Lucy Maud Montgomery Reading Challenge and have written up a post linking back and saying so, then you may happily leave a second comment for a second entry.) Please also leave a valid e-mail address along with your comment so that I can contact you, should your name be selected as the winner.

Happy Watching! :D

:D :D :D


Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

Well, of course! I'd love to add this to our collection!

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

And heeeeeeres's my LMM challenge post:

Bluerose said...

Definitely enter me! :)

Bluerose said...

I'm participating this month.

bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

Barbara H. said...

Wow, what a find! I've been wanting to check out this series. Would love to win.

barbarah at gmail dot com

Barbara H. said...

I am participating in the LMM challenge an haven't written and linked a post.

Katy said...

oooh! Wouldn't this be fun to win! =)

*carrie* said...

Hmm, never heard of this. Since you're making me feel terrible about never having seen it, I suppose I should throw my name into the hat. =)

Cassandra said...

I've never seen it either. Oops! ;)

Laura S Reading said...

I picked up 2 of the books this past weekend at an indoor rummage. I would love to have the start of the series.

wismomworks (at) gmail (dot) com

So far I have started 3 reading challenges but hope to join more. I've already read 6 books this month. (and some that don't count)

Carol in Oregon said...

Goodness, Carrie! You are tossing goodies left and right. And I'd love to catch one of them. Thank you for your generosity (even though I believe you just called me a verybadperson- grin-).

bakkerfamily1 at frontier dot come

Melinda said...

I'd love to win this. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

Stephanie Kay said...

Looks like fun! I'd like to add it to our collection. I seem to prefer watching Montgomery's works rather than reading them.

Stephanie Kay said...

Here's the link to my 1st Montgomery post.

Jen E @ mommablogsalot said...

Oh this sounds really good, I'd love to win!

Tricia said...

Oh, this would be wonderful. Yes, please.

Sky said...

Oh YES! I neeeeed this!

Annette W. said...

Well, of course I'm in!!!
derekannette at gmail dot com

Annette W. said...

And I'm part of the challenge!

Beth said...

This would be greatly enjoyed in our house!

Beth said...

I am participating and have link-upped. My email: bstarr1030 (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Anonymous said...

Please count me in!

shostagirl (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I'm in the LMM challenge, and have linked!

shostagirl (at) gmail (dot) com

Joan S said...

I remember watching these as a child when we had the Disney channel free for 1 week a year during their promo campaign! Would love to see more of them :)
jrswanda at cox dot net

Heather VanTimmeren said...

Ohhhh! That would be a perfect birthday present for my daughter!
histtheo1 at yahoo dot com

Shonya said...

youverybadperson? Well, now, we can't have that! Guess I'll have to remedy this situation, lol. I've read the Anne series, of course, but never watched any movie or series (just a play). . .better enter the contest I guess! :)

Dani said...

I would love a chance to win this ... I loved watching Road to Avonlea growing up :) Thanks for the opportunity.

Stacy Ann said...

Would love to win!! We loved that show as kiddos! We didn't have cable but my aunt who did would record them on VHS and mail them to us. :)

A Faithful Journey said...

What a great find! Would love to win! Thanks for the chance!

A Faithful Journey said...

I am a LMM Challenge Participant! :)

apple blossom said...

try this again. love to be entered in this giveaway.

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said...

participating in the challenge

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Stephanie said...

Meeeeeeeeeeee! : )

Stephanie said...

And here's my 2nd comment! Plus post!

Anonymous said...

My daughters and I would live this! We are currently listening to Anne of green gables audio from Focus on the Family- very well done!

Artandjen at Juno dot com

Jen N

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this book. I loved Anne of Green Gables. Please enter me in contest.

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