One series of books (which are now out-of-print) is The World of Narnia Collection, which is adapted from the original series and illustrated by Deborah Maze. I haven't found the complete collection but whenever I am at our local Goodwill and see an individual title, I tend to snatch them up! A few months back I found two first editions (1998) of Aslan's Triumph. Unfortunately, one of the books was apparently a gift to someone named "Katherine" and therefore the title page is covered in benedictions and salutations from adoring friends who were clearly saying goodbye to the recipient. (She was apparently unaware that she was given a first edition and said goodbye to it way too quickly in my estimation.) Since "Katherine" did not enjoy this book, one of you can. So, one copy, as I say, is a hardback edition which is in wonderful condition (minus the autographs on the title page). The other is pretty much in pristine condition but they are both quite quite useable. (I say quite twice for emphasis, of course.) I think these books are valuable in that they welcomes little children in a magical world in a very calm and peaceful way.
This particular title in The World of Narnia Collection chronicles the end of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe story. In this picture book, Aslan and the White Witch have struck the deal for the life of Edmond. We see Aslan sacrificed on the stone table and his miraculous defeat of death. The final battle in the book is pictured here and there are ogres and a dragon-like creature pictured, but I think the drawings are very tame and not terribly scary.
Would you like to win a copy of Aslan's Triumph to share with your kids (or nieces or nephews, etc.)? Simply leave a comment below. This contest is open to U.S. and Canadian residents. If you are participating in the challenge and have written up a post on your blog saying so, you may leave TWO comments for two separate entries. This contest will be open through Thursday, July 12th.
I'd love to send these books to a couple of good homes where they will be read and loved! Yours, perhaps?
Ah, I would love that for our boys!
Would love to share this with my nieces and nephews!
Joan S
jrstoller1 at live dot com
I would love one!
My kids would love this book.
I would love to win this book for my son.
I know my boys would enjoy this, and so would my nieces. Narnia books are wonderful.
I grew up with my Dad reading this book series with me...would love to share it with my nine ...yes NINE nephews :)
Narnia is a favorite around here! Would love to add this to my collection! Thanks for the opportunity!
thanks for the chance to win
ABreaidng4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I'm thinking that maybe M needs to be introduced to Narnia. ;)
I have four grandsons that I would love to take to Narnia.
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