It takes longer to read a chapter book and so I don't always have a Read Aloud Thursday post even though I really, really like participating in this event. So I'll do that. Next week we'll talk about picture books. OR we'll talk about the chapter book which we are reading right now. Which one is that, you ask??
First, let's set the stage:
It was the day before the first day of fall and the sky was overcast. (Hold back your snarky remarks about how the sky is always overcast in Oregon!) We all were in various stages of health, having passed a slight the-air-is-turning-cooler-cold around the family. I know that one ought not to think about filling your children with sugar when they are sick but when you've been housebound for days, you start looking for pick-me-ups.
Our relief from the doldrums was the following, all of which are important to note:
1. Shortbread Cookies which my friend brought back from Scotland for our family. The foreign cookies from Mrs. D were received very well. She also told me that there are fewer calories to deal with if you share them with the children which is a truth that cannot be denied.
2. Hot chocolate in fun cups. The boys have Frosty the Snowman cups and I had my commemorative Queen Elizabeth II mug which my mom gifted to me. Frosty and the Queen do make an interesting pairing, I'll grant you that. But we were all happy.
3. The Strictest School in the World:
Yes, YES, my friends! I decided it was high time to introduce Bookworm1 (specifically) - age 6 this month! - to this awesome story. (Read my original review HERE if you like.) I've been waiting for this day and the day has come. And we are laughing and we are enjoying ourselves just like I have long imagined that we would! Oh, yes, we are!
To refresh your memory: The Strictest School in the World:
So, thank you again, Mr. Whitehouse, for the fun!
Next week picture books unless we laugh ourselves through this one at quick pace. ;)
I love it! Andno, I haven't read this one yet, but I think te about time! :-)
Excuse the typos. :-)
Do you know I have the set but have only read the first one!??? Too many review books! (Though right now I AM finally reading a book a dear, thoughtful friend sent to me a while back...it just happened to have made it through her great smoke out just fine.)
Hmm, I'm interested. It's always nice to know that there are still worthwhile kids' books being written.
@Tim - You and your kids would LOVE it! I'm willing to place large bets.
I'm thinking a Christmas present from Dad...
And THIS is why I'm looking forward to no review books! I have all 3 waiting on my shelf, and I can't wait to read them. They were a birthday present to myself(from yours and Annette's high recommendation), but with intentions of eventually sharing with the boys. :)
Sounds fantastic! Going on my TBR list for me and my boys.
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