Oh ho. Another month has gone by, lickety split! Looking back on my predictions for last month's nightstand, I find it to be something of a joke. I pretty much read absolutely nothing whatever on the list. However! I have a good excuse. I spent this past month flying through books 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Harry Potter series. There went my reading time and, to be honest, I do not regret a moment of it. Loved every minute!
Here are some of my thoughts regarding why I think Christians should and shouldn't read Harry Potter.
As for me:
Since I was so successful predicting last month's reads, I was debating the purpose of writing up a nightstand post. But let's pretend that I'm the type of person who makes lists and then follows them and see what we might manage to accomplish, reading-wise, this coming month.
I am keeping up with my Bible reading. Still working through a One Year Chronological Bible.
I am also slowly still working my way through Remember, Remember (The Fifth of November): Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About British History with All the Boring Bits Taken Out
My house is still filled with books that need my attention but I don't think that's ever going to change. I am most excited (at the present) to get through:
The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell
Lady Catherine, the Earl, and the Real Downton Abbey
I could list more but then it would only be a half hearted list. I'm afraid I'm still mourning the end of the Harry Potter series. I can't bring myself to pick up another book just yet so I may be something of a slow reader in September, I don't know. Time will tell.
Off to see what's on your nightstands next....
If it makes you feel better, I still haven't even started one of my books from my July nightstand. :) Oh well. Sometimes we have to veer off our lists and just enjoy! Glad you liked the HP books. I was surprised at how much I liked them too; I only wish there were more.
Yesterday I decided to not post Nightstand this month. Just so busy...but will be writing a bit about a few books later this week to wrap up the Summer Reading Challenge.
Carrie! I feel like you're becoming me! ;)
Yes, my bible reading is all that has been consistant. Trying to bring myself back around to reading. The garden is almost done and I am just going to pick up and read whatever looks good! :)
I should be reading Karamazov right now. . .but I'm checking out blogs instead. I need a light, easy read in this busy season. . .
And I noticed you didn't even include the Sept book club selection in this list. Wow, HP really HAS fuddled your mind! grin
It's nice to be able to read the rest of a series one after another instead of having to wait a year or more between volumes. I think I'll always have a stack of books that need my attention, too - always something to look forward to. :-)
It just makes me happy that you were sucked into Harry Potter's world so strongly! :D I remember being the same way when I read them. (Don't judge me too bad, but the Twilight series had the same effect on me!) ;)
My reading varied so much from what I had planned to read that I skipped this month's nightstand post, in hopes of catching up for next month. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a (mostly) unread August list, though.
I've enjoyed reading all your Harry Potter updates immensely - I felt the exact same way when I devoured the series a couple years back. It's nice to completely lose yourself into a fictional world for awhile - and nice to come back to real life slowly once you're done :-)
Just based on the title and cover, I'm quite anxious to hear what you think of The Land of Stories. Please be sure to read and review that one!
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