
Friday, September 12, 2008

Bibles for Kids

If you've headed over to this post via 5 Minutes for Books then welcome! As I mentioned over there, I recently received a stack of children's Bibles from Tyndale Kids to review. I've come to realize that it does require some thought to know how you'd like to present the Bible to your children. With so many options out there, it is hard to narrow down which ones you would like to use. It can be somewhat overwhelming. Hopefully this post will help you narrow down your options or just make you aware of what's out there.

I received several that we went through as a family, making lists of pros and cons and deciding which ones we thought might be used effectively for us. Our top favorite was The One Year Children's Bible. It nicely breaks down the stories from day-to-day to cover the "main points" (shall we say?) in a one year time frame. Out of the set of Bibles we received, this was the only one that started with Creation and walked through the New Testament fairly consistently all the way to Revelation. We appreciated this very much and plan on using it in our devotional time together. We liked the lay-out, found the illustrations beneficial without being too distracting and generally enjoyed it. We feel like we can highly recommend this one.

Our "second-runner up" was the Family-Time Bible in Pictures by Kenneth N. Taylor. I think I like it, in part, because of the illustrations. This was the most sophisticated Bible in terms of illustrations. They reminded me of the very first Bible I ever received as a youngster and so I suppose I feel a connection with it to some degree because of that. The stories in this Bible run anywhere from 2-4 pages long. It begins In the Beginning and also goes through to Revelation. (However, it does jump from Acts to Revelation with lightening quick speed.)

I have to say that looking through a variety of children's Bibles was a very enlightening experience. Flip through a few and you can generally tell the state of the church in America today and I'm guessing you'll also get a feel for what the most popular stories in Vacation Bible School are. It's a very interesting observational study.

As I mentioned in the 5 Minutes for Books post, I am giving away a copy of Bibles Stories for Growing Kids by Francine Rivers. (To read a description of that particular Bible, visit my post on 5 Minutes for Books.) If you were interested in winning that, please leave a comment on this post. Thanks for stopping by!

Contest to remain open through Friday, September 19th. I will select the winner with Make sure you leave a way for me to contact you if you win!


Alyce said...

I love Francine Rivers' writing, so I'm sure this is a great book!

Sheila said...

We're trying to find *just* the right Bible for our sons. :)

Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great gift for the great-grandchildren. Count me in!

Anonymous said...

This would make a GREAT gift!

mverno said...

rivers writing is nice

Anonymous said...

I have three Grandchildren. I would love to win these Bibles to read to them.


this looks perfect for the kiddos

Anonymous said...

Great review. Thank you for the referencing to the website.

My son loves to read bible stories.


Tragicgal said...

My youngest daughter has outgrown her toddler bible and needs new ones, what a great contest!

Anonymous said...

Such a great prize.

rebbi511 at

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I'd love this for my son.

Jenn S. said...

I would love for my kids to have this. Thanks!

Nikki in Niagara said...

I'd love to be entered in the Francine River's giveaway, if you don't mind shipping to Canada.

Anonymous said...

I love Francine Rivers and would love the opportunity to win a copy. Thank you for the offer! God bless you!

Mya Brooks said...

What a perfect prize! Thanx for the chance!!!

Jackie said...

I am so excited that you reviewed this...I have been wanting to find a good toddler Bible for my baby girl. Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

nice bible for kids!

Ken said...

My sister would love this. Please accept my entry.

danosor said...

I would love to win these for my grandchildren.

Cjnedrow said...

I love Francine River's books and I would be very intrested in this book!!

Anonymous said...

This would make a great starter bible story/stories for my niece.

Anonymous said...

We are using the Family-time Bible in Pictures this year for our oldest daughter's homeschool kindergarten bible study. We really like it so far. You are right - the illustrations are very nice.

Anonymous said...

This would be a great book for my nephew.

jenny said...

wow i love to win this for my little one i think she would like them verry much

Sonya Cocherell said...

I would love to win. I love Francine Rivers' adult books. I'm sure this is great too.

idahomom said...

Grandma always tells me to just get the kids something from her for Christmas. This would be perfect.

Maja said...

I love it.

Beverley said...

What a great way to spend some time with my grandsons, reading Bible stories written by such a fine writer.

chromiumman said...

what a great prize

Michelle said...

We had a bible study book that my parents read to us at night and it was always my favorite. This would be a very nice gift. Thank you. :)

Unknown said...

My two little ones would love this! They love reading stories and I love reading them Bible stories that are written for little ones so they're easier to understand.

Anonymous said...

We are looking for a new bible study book and this one looks great! Especially Francine Rivers . . .

billnjen@embarqmail. com

Anonymous said...

This sounds like an excellent Bible! Thanks for the chance!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Brooke Lorren said...

This would be great for our kids.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win this for my son.

Anonymous said...

this would be a great gift for my kids
thanks for a great contest.

Sharon said...

would LOVE to win...thanks so much for great contest...

Anonymous said...

I love to read bible stories to our grandchildren. I wanna win!!

sweetsue said...

This would be a nice introduction to the bible for my little granddaughter.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway...and a perfect introduction to the bible for children. Just what we've been looking for! Would love to read this with my daughter.zrfucxe

Beth said...

This would be great for my son to take to church every Thursday night for Caravans. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Our boys would love this.


Marilyn said...

Nice gift for my grandchildren, they would love it

Anonymous said...

I sure hope this gets posted. I am never sure when I can't choose an identity, but I have read everything Francine Rivers has every written and would love to have this book also. Love her style of writing.

Unknown said...

Being a Grammie to three grandsons 5,3 and 1 and trying to get them to sit still to read Bible stories after the excitement of videos I am interested in the Francine Rivers try at it. My 5 year old grandson said Grammie please just read me the words from your Bible! Thanks for your blog!

SeahorseLady said...

This would make a wonderful present for any child. I would give this to my niece.
Thank you for the nice giveaway.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful way to present the Bible to small children.

Annie1 said...

This would be such a lovely gift for my daughter and her growing family!

When she was little, she had a Bible Stories Book that was made for kids and she loved it! I'm sure her kids would love this one!


Anonymous said...

I have three children who would love it if I won this! Please enter me & thanks for the contest.

Julie Donahue said...

This looks great.

Darcy said...

Wonderful prize. Please count me in! Thank you for the nice giveaway.

kristilb19 said...

I'd love to win for my son!

Jill said...

This would be great reading and sharing with my kids.

vboackle said...

i would love this for my grandkids.

Jennifer Wilson said...

I know a little boy who would love this!

short_jennifer excite com

agordon10 said...

My son would really enjoy this.

gail@more than a song said...

Sounds good, my daughter or son's kids would love that!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Great giveaway, Carrie! Please enter me.

samf36 said...

What an excellent giveway!!

Anonymous said...

This is awesome! My niece just went to Vacation Bible School over the summer. She is only 3 and they gave her a CD with all these songs about God and Jesus and being strong like Jesus and she sings and dances to it around the living room almost everyday - it's the cutest thing ever! She is so excited to learn about Jesus and she's been asking lots of questions since going to VBS. I would love to give this book to her - she would adore it! I wish there were more things like this online these days. :)

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

this is great thanks


great book for my daughter

bfox74 said...

Would love this for my grandkids.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a book my 8-year-old daughter would really like.

pooka1953 said...

One of my daughters will only allow her little girl to read Bible related stories, so this would be great for my granddaughter, sometimes I have a hard time finding new books for her!

Krista said...

This would be fantastic! I'd love to start reading the Bible to my little guy and I don't have anything good right now.

Jinxy and Me said...

I would love to win this!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, this would be great for my son. Icetwofire[at]aol[dot]com

Anonymous said...

I would love to try this book! It looks lie a great one for bedtime devotionals. Thanks for the opportunity!

Happi Shopr said...

would love this for my niece and nephews

trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My seven year old son just loves reading children bibles. He says each one has something new in it. I am so proud of my son wanting to learn everything he can about the bible. He lost his two bibles last year in a house fire and I think this would be prefect for him. Please enter us in the drawing please! Thanks!

dwarzel said...

Count me in!

dwarzel at

Anonymous said...

I would really like to have this,,I read the bible to my son every night. I am sure he would really enjoy this

Anonymous said...

I feel it's very important to make religion a normal part of life especially in this day and age where morals and values are eroding, and the younger generation is out of hand.

kygirl said...

Reading is important but reading the bible is even more important.

Anonymous said...

My grandmother used to read me Bible stories and they still remain some of my favorites. Especially Daniel in the Lion's Den.

Anonymous said...

My daughter would this. Hope we win.

sewingmema said...

My granddaughters would love this.

llongoriao said...

Out here in the country, we don't have television, this would be great for my grandbabies.

Unknown said...

This would be fantastic for my niece. When she got out of Sunday school last weekend, her mom took her to the mall. She saw a woman getting arrested for shoplifting and wanted to know if she was going to prison with Peter. At least she was paying attention.

sherri419 at gmail dot com

Anna said...

This would be really nice to have, thanks

Faither said...

Reminds me of my Mom reading Mrs Hurlbut's Bible Story book to us when we were children.

Unknown said...

I am a church caretaker and occasionally i read to the children. this would be a wonderful resource!

bison61 said...

great giveaway, this would be nice for my grandchildren

tiramisu392 (at)

Jodi said...

Would be perfect for my little one, she would enjoy it. I love Francine Rivers, so this is very exciting.


Anonymous said...

I want my two boys to know every bible story and really know God and understand Him.This would be perfect

fancyfeet48 said...

I would love to win this for the kids

Cherie J said...

Would love to win this for my kids. Thanks for the chance.


cman said...

Please enter me.. my kids would love this :)

Unknown said...

I would love to win this to read to our children. My daughter and sons would love it. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this to read to my grandchildren

purplepassion126 said...

Would love to win--thanks!

CanAmBlond said...

Would love to read this to and with my kids! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I sure do love childrens Bibles! I hope Canadians can enter!

Anonymous said...

I would love to give this to my brother's kids. He has 3 little girls and a little boy all under 8. They've only been going to church for about 2 months now and this would be perfect for them.

Anonymous said...

uld love to win this for my son.

Mtlgrl4evr said...

I would love to win this for my kids.

slylady said...

This would be an ideal gift for my great grandson.

justicecw said...

This would be perfect for my son. Thanks,

Tammy said...

Thank you for the chance Our children can never have too many books that teach them to glorify God!

Sherry R said...

My daughters would love this!


Please enter me in the giveaway :o)

carissaad said...

This would make a great gift. Thanks for the giveaway.

carissaad at aol dot com

Christine said...

Sounds like a great book to have in the house for children!

shelly1212 said...

I would love this for my kids

JACLYN said...

Beautiful books-thank you for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Sweet niblets!

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely interested in this book for my children. Thanks!

stacie marie said...

Awesome giveaway! Thanks!

Debbie said...

What a great prize to win! I just love her.

critters said...

What a great book!

Amber said...

I'd love to have this to read to my boys.

Ally said...

It looks like an interesting book. Thanks for the giveaway!!

missybeetoo said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Having 5grandchildren, this book sounds great to me. Thanks! :)

Roseann K. said...

My son would enjoy this book! Thanks!

Rozz said...

Great stories to share with children

lisaray said...

This would be great for my daughter.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this to share with my Grandchildren. Especially with things being the way they are today. Kids need this. Great contest

Anonymous said...

would love to share the GOSPEL through reading this, to my beloved grandkids

Anonymous said...

Would love to get this for my grandchildren. They would love the stories.

Bakersdozen said...

This wounds wonderful. I would so love to share this Bible book with my kids. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I was trying to think of a way to introduce the Bible to my daughter who is 2.5 and this sounds fantastic. I thought the illustrated one I used as a child was still over her head. Thanks!

Donna said...

Id like to win Bible Stories for Growing Kids.

Jblanton said...

this would be wonderful for my new grandson thanks for the chance to win

ms-texas said...

This would be great! I would love to give this to my niece!

Anonymous said...

My little grandson would love the stories.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see the number of responses for a Bible for children. It seems like so many children today have no idea what a Bible is and only have a vague knowledge of so many of the great stories. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!

masonsgranny59 said...

Great gift for the my grandsons! ty 4 the great contest!

Julie said...

Would love to have, Thanks

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book for my granddaughter.

newmom8404 said...

I could really use this!

lilyk said...

Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

My boys need a more age-appropriate Bible...this one sounds great. thanks!

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