When I heard about this challenge, I thought I would read just the first book or two of the series to familiarize myself with it. I picked up the books at the library and got going and now I confess that I'm ploughing through the series post-haste. Why!? Because I cannot get enough of these little girls.

You know, most pictures of authors in days gone by do not look remotely attractive. They look glum and austere. I was delighted to look at this picture of Maud Hart Lovelace and see relaxed happiness. She doesn't look pinched at all! Rather, she looks like someone who knows how to laugh, which makes her books easier to understand.
(She kinda has a Renée Zellweger pursed lip thing going here, don'tcha think?)
At any rate, I think she looks charming. I know her books sure are!
Sarah, you have sparked a new love in me for this series. Thanks for the prompt. Over the course of the next month, while the Maud Hart Lovelace Challenge is going on, I hope to finish the series. I'm finding it's not that difficult a reading project.
Find out more about Sarah's challenge by CLICKING HERE!
Don't forget to have fun (it would be hard not to)!
Also, if you'd like to learn about the original illustrator for the Betsy-Tacy books, you can read my post about Lois Lenski. I had fun learning more about her last week!
I think I may have mentioned before that I hadn't heard of these books until relatively recently. I'd love to check them out some day -- I think I have enough TBR books plus books I want to re-reread to keep me busy for...oh, a long time!!! But these sound fun, and I agree the author does look warm and welcoming.
One of my all-time favourite series - I have read and re-read them. But I don't own them - I think I better add them to a wishlist.
Thanks for sharing! I have Betsy-Tacy on hold at the library. After reading all the links I could about them...I'm in!
The girls and I began our read aloud of Betsy Tacy today, and we're all hooked already!
I'm joining the challenge on Wednesday!
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