Also, you can enter to win an Undercover Super Sleuth/Detective kit over at 5 Minutes for Books which is oh so very cool. Check it out and mostly - go have fun! Because fun is what reading is supposed to be all about, correct? (Unless, of course, and I only suppose, you are busy ruling the world.)

Carrie -- you've won a blog award -- check it out in my blog post http://thegiesbrechts.blogspot.com/2010/02/sunshine-all-around.html
oh, what a cute kit. thanks for the notice!!
I don't know if you entered the Holey Donuts giveaway or not, but if you could check out this post and do so for my blog, it would mean a TON for my family and you can enter for the book afterwards too if you wish (White Cat by Holly Black ARC)!:
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