
Thursday, April 01, 2010

The Mysterious Benedict Society

Hello people.

So I've harped and I've harped and I've harped on and on and on about the Mysterious Benedict Society Books and some of you have read and agreed with me - this series is fantastic and you are falling in much in love with them as I have.

Some of you are a little late to the party but that's ok because I'm here to help you catch up. (You can thank me later or thank me now. Your choice.)

Would you like to win a copy of the ENTIRE SERIES?!?! This is no April Fool's Day Joke, my friends! It's true! I have an entire set of these books to give away, with many thanks to the publisher, Little, Brown Books!

To win? Well. All you have to do is LEAVE A COMMENT below! But because this is such an awesome series, I'll reward you with one April Fool's Day point. Go and read one of the following reviews and come back and tell me why you are SO EXCITED to read this series! By doing so, you'll gain an extra entry in the contest!

(Contest open to U.S. Residents only and will remain open through Thursday, April 8th.)


My review of The Mysterious Benedict Society.

My review of The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey.

My review of The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma.


Reasons to read these books if you haven't already done so:

1. They are imaginative.

2. They are creative.

3. They are clean.

4. They are thought-provoking.

5. I like them.

6. I'll stop badgering you if you read them.

Really now? Can you resist? If so, you are a brave and bold soul, my friend! Brave and bold! There is no better time like the present to pull out these books and enjoy them for yourselves or for a young reader that you know and love!

Happy April Fool's Day!
(Seriously. I'm not kidding. This is a For Real contest! I would not make something like this up.)



Stephanie said...

Me, me, me!! I bought the whole set for my neice at Christmas, but I still need my own copy! How fun!

Alison said...

I'm drooling!!! I want!!! I have yet to read these books, but they've made it on my to read list just because you recommend them. ;)

Barbara H. said...

What better way to get these books from my TBR list to my TBR shelf! :-) Count me in.

Jennifer, A Self-Confessed Foodie said...

I keep wanting to pick these but but can't justify the expense until I graduate and get a job! Thank you for the opportunity to win them!

jlsemon at gmail dot com

Mama Sky said...

I neeeeeed this whole set! I do!

Renee said...

Please enter me! Why? it sounds intriguing, mysterious (no pun intended!) and something that my hubby and I would enjoy reading with the kids. I also know my kids would LOVE these books!

Thanks so much for hosting this!

Heather VanTimmeren said...

I almost bought these last weekend, but something told me not to... ( :

Seriously, though, I love books about creative, brilliant children. I can't wait to read them (whether I win them or not)!

Sarah M. said...

Oh, I'd love to own all three! Please enter me.

Sarah M. said...

Re-read both your reviews on the last two books in the series that I have not yet read. I'd forgotten temporarily about this series. The first book was such a clever, unqiue story. I need to read the second. Even if I don't win the set I am adding them back on my TBR pile. Thanks for the reminder! They are such a great set.

Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...

Those really look like fun!!

Bill ;-)

billsmith2003 (at) gmail (dot) com

Hope you'll check out my book giveaway:

Gina said...

Oh, count me in for certain! I've seen these books in store before and the cover always manages to catch my eye. The story itself sounds most intriguing, I mean really it's dealing with a "mysterious society"...that ALONE has to make you curious.
Thanks for the chance...and happy reading!


Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

I still haven't read past the first one, and I don't own any of them, so


Beth said...

We would love a set of these. I introduced these to my kids who loved them after reading your reviews.

Alison said...

Can I get another entry for my son's April birthday?

morninglight mama said...

Am I allowed to enter???? JAM and I borrowed these from the library, but owning them would be awesome! (And I get to read them again in a few years with the other two!)

Ronnica said...

Definitely read these at your recommendation. Lent out my copy of the first book (the only one I own) to a 3rd grader at church. She LOVES them. I'd love to give her the whole set!

I second your recommendation of this's imaginative, clean, and encourages teamwork and selflessness!

Annette W. said...

Oh, Carrie, this is one awesome giveaway, and I truly hope to win it.

If not, some day I will buy them for the the meantime, I will use my library to read the third one since I already listened to the first two. I sincerely think these deserve more hoopla than Harry Potter...and many of the other book-turned-movie....but not Narnia. :)

Annette W. said...

I am super excited to win because I want those pages to turn themselves in book three! (And I have only listened to the first two books, and I want to read one and see all the great illustrations.)

Judylynn said...

These look so good! Please enter me!

Judylynn said...

Well, it looks like these books teach good morals and would be a great addition to my and my childrens' library!

Melissa said...

Wanting these books111

monica said...

I've been trying to get the first from the library for ages. If I win, I can cancel my request for the book. *crossing fingers*


monica said...

here's my extra entry for reading the review of the first book.

I'm excited to read this book, because YOU are so excited and in love with it in your review. I can't resist.

btw, looking forward to meeting you at the book blog con in may!

monica said...

my birthday is in April. woohoo!

monica said...

my youngest is born in april. double woohoo!

Anonymous said...

I love book series that feature children who are creative, energetic, smart and can assist the adults in their lives. This series has all of these elements. I would love to introduce this series to my grandchildren so please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks so much for this opportunity.

bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

Cindy said...

This looks like a great series and I've been wanting to read it!!!!!! Definitely sign me up!

Cindy said...

Here's my extrea comment for my son's birthday on April 3rd!!!

Megan said...

I've heard that these are pretty good...please enter me!

We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings.

inspiredbyfiction at gmail dot com

Just Mom said...

I'd love to win these to share with my nieces. I read them with my son and LOVED them!

Helen at A Work of Heart said...

My daughter read this series and loved it...but those books were from the library...I would love to own the series and then be able to read them myself.

My mom's birthday is April Fools Day ...but since I am now married...she doesn't count as in my immediate family.

Thanks for the great giveaway.

Katy said...

Wow, your review of these books was glowing! I've heard nothing but good things about the series from several readers, and have the first one on my wishlist, so I'd love to win this set! :D

Yo Yo Cat said...

dear Carrie:
I love ur blog very much!
always can find something intresting.
I've finished "The Mysterious Benedict Society" before i've read ur review.
I was so excited that I've read this book.
Full of courage and wants to make me laugh whenever they finished a task , for they are so encourage.

wish i can get these 3 books!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great collection to have. I haven't seen them before, but now I would really like to have them.

apple blossom said...

Oh, this sounds like a good series. My tweeny would like. thanks

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said...

I read your reviews. I'm all into teaching kids doing good over evil and if it can be done in a fun way, reading, go for it.


ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Oh, this would be great! I requested these from the library and got them in the exact wrong order. :) So I still haven't read them!

Queen of Carrots said...

Enter me! I'll have chapter book readers very soon here! Well, soon enough. ;-) Besides, I haven't read #3 yet.

Jen @ Happy Little Homemaker said...

Include me! We love good books for all ages!

Sophia said...

My friends keep telling me these are good books but I never got the chance to read them. I think this is my perfect opportunity! I really hope I win!



Anonymous said...

Please enter me.

ebeandebe at gmail dot com

Atomicmom said...

This is the first I have heard of these books- thanks for the great reviews! I am putting them on my weRead list as "want to read" books for certain. I love that the author is encouraging the use of imagination in children. LOVE LOVE LOVE the illustrations, too..


Christy aka Atomicmom

porcelaine said...

Amazingly, I've never read the author's work. But your reviews and the positive energy the series possesses makes it very appealing! Thank you for the giveaway. :)


Sarah said...

Oh, I would love to win this set! Why? Because you have recommended it so highly in the past!

Linda Kish said...

These books look really fun. It is great they are clean reads and I like that they also appeal to adults.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Sara said...

After seeing the books at the library, I read your review and it sold us on giving it a try. My dh and dd (9yo) gobbled it up. We would love to win the set.

Kara said...

I would love to be entered!! Why??I have a eight year old boy and a special needs daughter who both devour books...I think it would be great to have them read this aloud together. I think my 6 year old would enjoy listening it to it too. Your reviews were excellent and I can tell that these books are really special to you!!!

This is a fantastic contest.

Christine Jensen said...

I have read the first one (Borrowed from my sister)and really would love to read the other two! The first one was such a fun book.

kissyjensen at gmail dot com said...

My kids would love these.

Benita said...

This is an awesome giveaway! Please count me in.


Hannah said...

Can't wait to read these!

Kara said...

My 6 year old has a birthday in April!!!!

JenniferB said...

I REALLY want a complete set to read to our daughters. I've read them and LOVE them!

Stephanie Kay said...

I have a confession to make. I've not read these books. {hangs head in shame} Is this something a 6 (almost 7) year old boy with a voracious reading appetite would enjoy?

JenniferB said...

"Before you know you've started the book, it's over. (Then you cry and wish it was all brand new again, but then you plan a re-read and feel better about life in general.)"
is why I'm excited to read the third book!

Nancye said...

I would love to win these books! Thanks for the chance!

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said...

I am excited for the chance to win these books because my daughter is an avid reader and we really need a new series of books to dive into!

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

katklaw777 said...

I'd like very much to give these a read...I have heard good things about them. Thanks.

katklaw777 said...

Read your review of the first book and found my interest peaked even more...would like to read them to see if I agree or disagree. I am open minded, thanks.

Anonymous said...

My daughter and I NEED these books! Pick me! Me me me!! ;) We've heard such good things about them.

Carol M said...

I have to have these books! My grandchildren would love them!
mittens0831 at aol dot com

Whittler said...

I read the first after reading your reviews. I'd love to read the rest!

Francine Anchondo said...

I would love to win this thanks for the giveaway.


Grammy said...

Thanks for the great reviews and a chance to win the whole series.

Mystica said...

Thank you for the opportunity of winning this series. Please count me in.


riTa Koch said...

YES! Please, please, please, pretty please ;)

Tracy said...

I'd love this! I stumbled across your blog when searching for reviews about this very book. My mother (62 years old, no less!) suggested the book to me, after she stumbled upon the book at the book store. I'm a couple of chapters into the first one, and I love it already!

Anonymous said...

I come to your blog to find "new" reads. These books look fun and interesting!
thanks for the giveaway-
Jen N
artandjen at juno dot com

Melissa said...

Entering! Thanks!

Amy said...

These look wonderful - for both my niece - and me! I love how in your review how you repeated that we should listen to children as they can suprise us - and teach us!

Anonymous said...

My tween would love these great books.

Anonymous said...

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