Peter Pauper Press does Anne of Green Gables.

"This is the very last of the Queen Anne's Lace for the summer." ~ Diana Barry
Could there possibly BE a greater flower on the planet earth after such a statement? (I'm ignoring the history of its use which I just learned on Wikipedia - that bountiful fountain of knowledge.)
At any rate, anyone who loves Anne (as much as I do) must love Queen Anne's Lace, right? Even my son figured out it was my favorite flower (mostly because I told him it was) and last summer every time he saw one he would pick it for me. "Look Mommy! It's your favorite!" Education starts early. (Hopefully his future wife will be equally fond...)
You can imagine my utter glee and joy when I discovered that Peter Pauper Press, my hands-down favorite stationary company, offered a line of Queen Anne's Lace products. (Insert: long string of wild exclamation marks.) I cleaned my whole desk off just so I could display these boxes and smile in peace and tranquility, thinking of Anne and my beloved Prince Edward Island (that I've only been to once.) See? I think God gave me the next best gift of all by planting me in Oregon. Next to PEI, it's the most incredible and beautiful place I've ever seen! I love the land where I live! But I digress...
Prince Edward Island. Queen Anne's Lace. Anne.

They are even green! (That's my favorite color - another well-known fact my son is aware of.) I have never been so excited about a NOTE card before in my life. Because, you see, I don't want to be BLATANTLY all about Anne...just subtly. That's why I went this route. It indirectly makes my point! (And if you can't figure it out, I'm not telling you.)

Anne would approve of this pen, I think. She detested scratchy pens and wrote Gilbert only short notes when the pen was bad. But when the pen was good she felt motivated to write. This pen motivates me to write. It may sound silly and over obsessive, yes. (Yes?) No apologies. Am I not allowed to be thoroughly delighted from time to time? (If not, go away.) If so, read on!

Now. Seriously folks. I can't make up this stuff!! It's incredible and awesome and there's no way in a Queen Anne's Lace world I could wax eloquent on stationary for THIS LONG unless I loved it.
I'm just taking a moment today to express my adoration and love affair with Peter Pauper Press's Queen Anne's Lace line. Because I love it. Because I CARE! Because it's Anne. And mostly - because I'm me.
I love nice pens...count me in!
I agree-those are absolutely marvelous cards. (Even for a slightly-less obsessive Anne-fan like myself!)
These are gorgeous. I appreciate a good pen, too, and this looks like one that my "men" won't borrow and forget to return. :)
I do love your writing here. :-)
I love note cards. I keep buying really interesting ones even though I don't write note cards all that much any more. But a good pen and a cute note card is motivating.
How lovely! I am a fan of both Anne and Queen Anne's Lace. Count me in!
Beautiful, Carrie! SIgn me up!
I love pretty stationary-thanks
That is really pretty stationary! And I enjoyed your commentary on it too. ;) Please throw my name in the hat!
Bummer, I would love to have entered! But good luck to everyone else!
BEAUTIFUL!! I would love to have this the green!
Pretty!!! Me, please!
Yes, I'm a big time Anne fan! My online tag is avonleajules. These are beautiful.
My daughters and I have always like Anne with an e...and I went to Nova Scotia, but somehow didn't make it to Prince Edward Island..oh my. Please plese pick me..
I seriously heart a good pen for writing letters! :) Also, you made me so curious I had to wiki and see what it's use was. Crazy!
I read the whole Anne series when I was young... maybe high school although I think earlier. I want to read them again, but can never get past the first one... Anne is just a bit too wordy for me in that one! :)
I love Anne and stationary. Enter me please. :)
Ooooohhh! Those look so lovely, and your gushing enthusiasm is so Anne-like! (That's a compliment, really!) Please enter me, too.
Gorgeous! Can't wait to see it in person.
I love Anne. These cards are really pretty
Oh, please count me in on this giveaway. What beautiful stationary and pen set. Way cool
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
BTW ~ I'm a Anne Fan forgot to mention it in first post.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Definitely an Anne fan!
We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings:
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
These are beautiful! I'm an Anne fan, my kids are Anne fans, but my wife is the biggest Anne fan I personally know. I'd love to win them for Z-Mom :)
This would be wonderful. count me in, please.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I LOVE "Anne with an e" and the stationery is adorable. Thanks for the giveaway!
mjudge83 at gmail dot com
I have found memories of driving through the pasture in my Grandpa's truck and seeing Queen Anne's Lace everywhere. These notecards ARE pretty! And I love a good pen. :)
Ooh, how nice! Count me in!
These are wonderful. I'm an Anne fan. My fingers are crossed.
I'm an Anne fan. Please count me in.
a beautiful giveaway...thanks Carrie :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
What beautiful cards! Please enter me.
ebeandebe at gmail dot com
These are so lovely. Would love to win them. Green is my favorite color too. :-)
Note card and pen are good! I am a follower,
Bill ;-)
billsmith2003 (at) gmail (dot) com
Hope you'll check out my book giveaway:
What gorgeous stationery! I love the Anne series. It's been awhile since I've read it so I might have to read it again soon.
I love the cards. They're too pretty
Count me in and now I am totally an Anne fan.
Lovely! Please include me.
I think that having pretty little dainty feminine things around us always makes us feel good! I love little 'cottage style' and vintage goods and this set is really adorable! Thanks for a great giveaway!
jewel330 at aim dot com
These are beautiful. I think my mom would love to have them.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
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