Towards the end of pregnancy I was on a major crime/suspense kick. (We'll see if this continues.) I typically like the genre in spurts. I do, however, always like to know that it's going to be clean. It's a fairly safe bet that Daphne du Maurier will be clean and I did so enjoy her book Rebecca, although I thought the story was broken during my last re-read. (The title is linked to my thoughts. I've updated those thoughts at the conclusion of this post!) I hadn't read another du Maurier book since but noticed on Netflix that Alfred Hitchcock had made a movie adaptation of Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn
Mary arrives at Jamaica Inn to discover that her aunt is not as she remembered. Instead of the bright, fascinating young and happy thing, she has turned into a frightened skittish woman. Mary's uncle, Jem Merlyn is a rather overbearing brute of a man who clearly has a secret to keep. This secret disturbs the village, has the attention of the local magistrate and impresses Mary with the urge to talk her aunt into escaping both the Inn and her uncle.
There are some very tense moments in this book and it is full of twists, turns and characters that you never know if you can trust. It is a captivating read. For my part, it was something of a slow start, but that is because du Maurier is setting the stage and that takes a bit of care. (It's not like this book is long or anything. It's a mere 304 pages which is a decent length for a mystery!) By the time you are in the middle of the story, questioning everyone and everything you think you might know, it's hard to put Jamaica Inn
As for the movie?

Those interesting facts aside, the only thing that the movie Jamaica Inn
I really like Maureen O'Hara as an actress and I can thoroughly enjoy a good Hitchcock flick. Just not this one. I discovered that there is another version of this movie, starring Jane Seymour
I can say without hesitation that the book Jamaica Inn
I am glad I read Jamaica Inn
- The Loving Spirit (1931)
- I'll Never Be Young Again (1932)
- The Progress of Julius (1933) (later re-published as Julius)
- Jamaica Inn (1936)
- Rebecca (1938)
- Rebecca (1940) (play—du Maurier's own stage adaptation of her novel)
- Happy Christmas (1940) (short story)
- Come Wind, Come Weather (1940) (short story collection)
- Frenchman's Creek (1941)
- Hungry Hill (1943)
- The Years Between (1945) (play)
- The King's General (1946)
- September Tide (1948) (play)
- The Parasites (1949)
- My Cousin Rachel(1951)
- The Apple Tree (1952) (short story collection, AKA Kiss Me Again, Stranger)
- Mary Anne (1954)
- The Scapegoat (1957)
- Early Stories (1959) (short story collection, stories written between 1927–1930)
- The Breaking Point (1959) (short story collection, AKA The Blue Lenses)
- Castle Door (1961) (with Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch)
- The Birds and Other Stories (1963) (republication of The Apple Tree)
- The Glass-Blowers (1963)
- The Flight of the Falcon (1965)
- The House on the Strand (1969)
- Not After Midnight (1971) (short story collection, AKA Don't Look Now)
- Rule Britannia (novel)|Rule Britannia (1972)
- The Rendezvous and Other Stories (1980) (short story collection)
I have a copy of The House on the Strand
I'll be looking for this author...clean suspense is always fun!
I just hate it when movie producers do that to books -- use the characters and title and setting but then completely rewrite the story. That's deceptive and lazy in my book.
I think I must've read Rebecca way back as a teen. I think I read others of du Maurier's books back then but I can't remember any of them specifically. I went through a crime/suspense phase a few years ago but these days really have to be in the mood for it. But if I do crave something like that, I'll try to remember that du Maurier's books are clean.
Have you ever read Fatal Illusions by Adam Blumer? I read it mainly because I know "of" the author, but I really liked it. He is "my kind" of conservative Christian.
Love this story! But I agree that My Cousin Rachel is better. (And I'd put Frenchman's Creek and The King's General on my list of favorites too.)
The Hitchcock film was pretty much nonsense.
You make me want to go grab it from the library right now. Definitely going on my list now.
I've only read Rebecca , so I'll try to keep DuMaurier in mind when I'm hankering after something suspenseful.
I read Jamaica Inn so long ago I can't remember it very well. Besides Rebecca it's the only other du Mauier I've read, though.
It's been a while since I have read any duMaurier books. I devoured them in high school. I have 3 currently in my TBR pile that I missed so long ago. Enjoy. Thanks for the review and the reminder of a wonderful author.
Maureen O'Hara in her first role? I may have to watch this for its historical value.
The only DuMaurier book I've read is Rebecca. I blogged about it and compared it to the movie -- kinda like you do here. :-)
I've seen this book at the library many times, but hesitated to pick it up. Your review convinces me I should!
Hope you'll stop by my review and say hi :)
My review of Ginger Garrett's "Wolves Among Us"
Interesting. Do you think you would have liked the movie if you hadn't read the book?
SMB - Nah. Don't think I would have liked the movie either which way. It was her first role. First roles are generally, um, learning experiences. ;) And like I said, the film clearly didn't have a budget and it makes it kind of hard to view. I just didn't care for the characters in the movie (even distinguished from those in the book!) and so I'd just as soon have skipped it all together!
I have only ever seen the movie Rebecca. I hate to admit that I have not read the book. I planned to once and may have begun it, but I never did. I always loved the film, and this book sounds good. The movie buff in me would enjoy the film. Maureen O'Hara was stunning--I would love to see her debut role. I have added both to my library list.
I recently finished Jamaica Inn and liked it very much! I was sorely disappointed my library does not have a copy of My Cousin Rachel :(
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