Over the course of the past few months I've learned how to better balance our family life. (This is still a work in progress, but I'm managing the calendar better than before!) I'm learning that we all stay calmer, saner (and are generally more healthy!) if we stick around the house more. The boys have been doing absolutely everything together and are truly becoming "best buds" which fills us with joy, as you might expect. We have a full December calendar but we've interspersed our activities with plenty of "family only" Christmas parties. This past weekend we had our first family party - Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer themed, of course. The boys set the table for dinner (they selected lots and lots - and lots! - of candles as the main center piece. For ambiance, I'm certain.) and we watched the movie and consumed peppermint ice cream which was a special treat.
I also wrapped a total of 50 Christmas-related books this year! Each boy gets to open one book a day and we've been reading our way through the month, with particular titles corresponding to our daily activities. It's been a lot of fun. The boys like opening and reading the books. The baby likes chasing after and eating the wrapping paper.
In anticipation of Christmas (and I know this might make some of you roll your eyes) I've been re-arranging the kids furniture, cleaning out and organizing "stuff" because I happen to know what's wrapped and underneath the tree. I want to make sure we're not totally disorganized and cluttered post-holiday. It would be delightful to make an easy (and clean!) transition into the next year.
We're basically just enjoying a relaxed (for us!) but very fun filled holiday season.
On today's menu (tho' 'it is not holiday related!) we'll be reading The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories

Our town no longer has a big book store, so when we were in TX I made a quick stop into the local Barnes & Noble and they had this title by Seuss on display. We haven't read it yet but today seems like a good day for it. I'm very curious! Have any of you read it?
As far as this blog is concerned, of course, I'm gearing up for next year's Reading to Know Bookclub (titles announced yesterday) and also wrapping up my review titles for the year so that I can start fresh with a clean slate (and read more of my own selections in the coming year!) Very much looking forward to that.

Also, a fun thing for the Bookworms:

The new Hess 2011 Toy Truck and Race Car set arrived for us to check out! (Thanks to Hess.) If only you have seen their faces upon opening the wrapped box when it arrived. This is one sturdy and very well-made race car set. It has flashing lights, makes sounds, and the race car itself has a pull back motor. This car ZIPS! And did I mention it's well-made? Most toy cars and trucks you see these days are kinda flimsy but not this one! We have two boys here and they've tested this car out thoroughly and it looks like it has Energizer Bunny qualities. Love it!
Unfortunately you cannot purchase this car online but you can learn more about it at Hess Toy Truck. (What I did not realize was that Hess puts out a yearly edition of a toy car/truck. After we received ours, we started seeing Hess all over the place. This was definitely a pleasant introduction to their company.)
So that's us at our house, for the most part. Learning to play together, be best friends, maintain a healthy schedule, keep house and, of course, read, read, read!
Has your December gotten off to a polite start?
I think it is a great idea to clean and organize in anticipation of Christmas, but I don't think I ever did it. It took me a long time to get my act together, pare down to what was most important, etc., over the holidays. I let them get too stressful for a while there.
I have never heard of that Seuss book, and I am not sure how that happened! I thought I had read or at least heard of all of his.
Sounds like you have a fun month planned.
Good for you for keeping things sane! Our December got off to a terrible start since 4/5 of our family has now had The Sickness, but it can only get better, right (unless the remaining 1/5 succumbs, perish the thought!)
I've been a bit busy preparing for OUR trip to TX. Our tree is decorated and presents are wrapped and underneath. I haven't gotten as much written for the blog as I wanted but that's OK. I'll manage from TX. We've also been doing Christmas activities almost daily so that's good. Overall, a little stressful but a good start to the month.
We have that Dr. Seuss book coming to our almost-but-not-quite-there reader this year. She is into Seuss in a big way right now.
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