
Thursday, February 02, 2012

Dishing Up Oregon (giveaway)

First off, let me say that even if you aren't from Oregon you can absolutely enjoy Dishing Up® Oregon. Why? Because it's chock full of recipes using fresh veggies and wines, cheeses and other things that are terribly delicious and can likely be found in your neck of the woods. If you are from Oregon, you are likely to find this title more intriguing than your average American. (*snicker*) The subtitle of this book is 145 Recipes That Celebrate Farm-to-Table Flavors. It's fresh and it's delicious. I mean that in both a literal and a hip sort of way. (Ha!)

Dishing Up® Oregon might go down as being my favorite recipe book of all time. No, I'm not kidding. Every recipe that we have tried from here has been positively delicious! We've tried several of the recipes within including the Mixed Green Salad with Cranberry Vinaigrette (picture of my personal salad included here on the right!), the Fettuccine with Caramelized Onions, Zucchini Ribbons, and Walnuts in Yogurt Sauce (using my own homemade yogurt to boot!), and the Molasses-Ginger Stout Cake using local Stout. (W-O-W!!!) We might have also dumped some fresh homemade icecream on our cake, because that's just how we roll here.

This book sort of takes you around Oregon, to the farms, wineries and coastline and offers recipes from each region. I have to say, I don't even like seafood but I'm seriously tempted to give some of their seafood recipes a go. (My five year old would adore me forever if I would!) You can find simple recipes in here as well as much more time-consuming ones. It includes everything from how to roast tomatoes to Lamb Meatballs Stuffed with Swiss Chard and Goat Cheese.

I'm looking forward to peaches being back in season around here, for then I shall try out the Peach-Herb Salad with Pickled Red Onions and Balsamic Viaigrette. (YUM!) This next week I'm planning to make the Pear-Pepper Chutney (with a few spare pears I found at Trader Joe's) and I'm fairly certain that's going to be well-received around here. Happily, I also recently discovered a source for lamb so I'm going to have to give those meatballs a go. Yes, yes! SO many yummy things to make and eat! I love creating things in the kitchen for my family to enjoy and this book helps me do just that! I'm lovin' it! (And so is Jonathan, for the record!) The kids are eating along with and can at least say that they are being well-fed if nothing else! (They didn't complain too loudly about that fettuccine dish though, let me tell ya!) We have them try it all alongside us to broaden their palates and so we can all enjoy a fine meal. It's fun.

We have seriously enjoyed Dishing Up® Oregon and now I'm delighted to share that the publisher, Storey Publishing, has offered to give away one copy of this recipe book to one of my readers here at Reading to Know! Care to win? Simply leave a comment below. (Please include a valid e-mail address for me to contact you, should you be selected as the winner.) This contest is open to U.S. Residents only and will be open through Thursday, February 9th.)

If you would like to leave one extra comment for an extra entry, you can "Like" Storey Publication's Facebook page. If you "Like" them, leave another comment on this post saying so.

THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. THE WINNER (as selected by IS #14 - Carol in Oregon. Rather fitting, I'd say. ;D

Thank you, Storey Publications, for sending me a copy of Dishing Up® Oregon to try out on my family. We appreciate it!


Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

Although we *average* Americans might not have quite as cultured palates as you hip west coasters ;-) , this sounds like something I would enjoy!

Emmy D said...

I love food. I love Oregon. Therefore, I must love this book. Sounds great!

angie said...

Oregon is on my bucket list, and I tend to choose my destinations on what culinary delights they have to offer! Like Eat, Pray, Love but without the pray and love!
Thank you.

Marie Cloutier said...

I'd love to win this! it looks great!

Heather VanTimmeren said...

I think cookbooks are great reading material! This one looks interesting, and I love to win! histtheo1 at yahoo dot com

BerlinerinPoet said...

Oh my goodness, Carrie. Reading this made me hungry, and I really want that stout recipe!

Sherry said...

Oh, I'd really like to try those salad recipes in particular! This book looks like fun! And I'm curious about your lamb resource?

Sign me up!

Sky said...

Yum, yes please!

Krista said...

I am so NOT a foodie and most of my cookbooks never get opened... but I know two people in my family that would LOVE this! ;) One of them lives quite near you actually...

debbie said...

I would love this cookbook. I have been collecting cookbooks forever, and this would make a great addition to it.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in contest. I would love to win this cookbook.

Twila said...

I wonder if I will still be eligible to win if I suggest a correction to this post?! :) If something is clear full, it is "chock" full, not "chalk" full.

I enjoy reading your posts and often check to see if our library carries books that you have reviewed that piqué my interest.

karenk said...

thanks for the chance to use this cookbook ;)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Carol in Oregon said...

Oh, I love food, I love books, I love cookbooks. Yes, please! Please enter my name.

Carol in Oregon said...

...and I liked Storey Publications on FB.

Sarah ABC said...

Thanks for the chance! I've never visited Oregon so I'd love to learn more about their farms, produce, wine & food.

Melissa said...

I'd love to win this book! Grew up in Oregon, currently live in Washington.
parcelhome at comcast dot net

Melissa said...

I liked Storey Publications on Facebook

Lisa said...

Since I'm lucky enough to live in the beautiful Willamette Valley, I'd love to win this book, otherwise I'll just have to buy it like everyone else. It looks fabulous. ♥

llcejka at gmail dot com

apple blossom said...

love winning cookbooks thanks for the chance

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Alison said...

Our vacation to WA and OR several years ago was one of our all time favorites. I think N would live there if he could. (Although we visited during the sunny part of the year.) I would love to try this cookbook since I try to add variety to our meals.

Carol in Oregon said...

YAY!! So excited, I am.

Thank you, Carrie and Storey Publishing.


bakkerfamily1 at frontier dot com

Carol in Oregon said...

I received the cookbook today. It looks lovely. I'm on a juice fast right now so I can only look, but I'm eager to try the recipes.

Thanks again to you and to Storey Publishing.

Carol in Oregon

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