
Monday, February 13, 2012

iPad/Kindle Cover (Giveaway)

I just used what is, to me, a bad word on this blog: Kindle. I have to say it for purposes of this post but I'd kinda like to pretend I'm not while I am. (Regular readers and friends of mine know that I'm anti e-reader in any form but I do acknowledge that Kindles exist. I just will not allow one to enter into my own home.)

Now! An iPad! That's another matter altogether. How else would I play Angry Birds? Or check my e-mail when I'm lying in bed? An iPad is not a necessity to life but it is a happy little convenience. I'm not sure why you'd need a Kindle when there are perfectly good books to be held, touched and smelled. I know I can't convince anyone of this fact so I don't really try. I just stubbornly refuse to own one myself. I will never read a book on a screen so long as I live and that's a promise I feel safe to make!

But for those of you who do....

Peter Pauper Press just released a new line cute and adorable covers to fit iPads, Kindles, Kindle Fires or Nooks. (I am happy to say that I don't even know what a Nook is but I can guess well enough.) Heh.

They were kind enough to send me a sample of their Owl NeoSkin Cover which I really love. It's cute. It's soft and offers protection for my Angry Bird game consol.
(snicker) I like having a protective covering for a variety of reasons including: small children who frequently carry it around and also to keep it safe when we're traveling.

They have several designs to choose from, including this cupcake one which expresses some of my sentiments exactly:

The nice thing we also discovered about having one's iPad inside a protective case, is that if you happen to have a fire in your home, or a house full of smoke which causes massive damage, the case absorbes the smell and keeps your iPad fresh as a daisy! (True fact. And something you don't know to be grateful for until you have a need to be grateful!) iPad cases are not a bad investment and I'll assume the same could be true for e-readers although again I have no personal experience with them. (grin)

You can see Peter Pauper Press's line of Kindle covers, Kindle Fire covers, iPad covers, or Nook covers by clicking on the links.

I am happy to let you know that this beyond generous company has offered to give away one case to one of my readers here at Reading to Know.

To win? Follow these instructions:

1. Simply leave a comment in the comment section stating the following:

A.) What kind of cover you would like to win, should you be selected as the winner (e.g., Kindle, Kindle Fire, iPad, Nook.) By letting me know which you prefer I will be separating the sheep from the goats. (I'm kidding! Kinda.); and

B.) If you would prefer the Owl design or the Cupcake design, both of which I've pictured above.

2. Leave a valid e-mail address for me to contact you should you be selected as the winner.

That's it! This contest is open to U.S. residents only and will be open until Monday, February 20th.

THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. THE WINNER, as selected by, IS SHONYA (who chose the owl cover.) Congrats!

Thank you, Peter Pauper Press, for sending a sample of this new product my way and also for offering up one to one of my readers!


Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

What's the likelihood that I'll win since I'm the first commenter? And because I need a cover for my Kindle?!?!? ;-). Love the owls!

Jennifer said...

I feel terrible saying this now... but I'd really like the Kindle Fire cover. :) The cute cupcake one.

I must admit that I am curious about your dislike of e-readers. Feel like sharing?

Thanks for the giveaway!

Jen E @ mommablogsalot said...

I'd love the cupcake design for the kindle!

Marks of Faith said...

Oooo @Jennifer don't get Carrie started! ;)

Sherry said...

Smiling that there's someone else out there resisting Kindle with a passion :)

Cute covers, but since we have neither so far, please give this gift away to another of your devoted readers :)

Sky said...

Omigoodness! I really want the cupcakes kindle cover! Gasp! Yes, I do own a kindle....I've been meaning to post the pros and cons from my experience... ;oD

Diary of an Autodidact said...

I shall now check outside my window for airborne pork...

Bluerose said...

I don't own a Kindle yet, but I am planning on getting one soon(Sorry!) While nothing could replace my love of the feel and smell of paper, I do think that they could come in handy for certain situations(for me). ;)

I really like the owl one.

bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

Alison said...

Well, you know which cover I'd need. ;) (kindle fire) M loves using the Zoodles app on it and I love the control it gives me for what he can and can't do. I think the owl cover is adorable.

Heidi said...

I like the cupcake one and I'd get it for my iPad.

jessica B. said...

I'd love to win the Kindle cover in the Owl print because I have one (but no iPad)... in my defense, I lived overseas for 3 years which is why I had one... and if you lived overseas I guarantee you would own a Kindle. it was my best friend after my husband... but I didn't share it with him :)

Jessica B. said...

shucks, i forgot my contact info

I'd love to win the Kindle cover in the Owl print because I have one (but no iPad)... in my defense, I lived overseas for 3 years which is why I had one... and if you lived overseas I guarantee you would own a Kindle. it was my best friend after my husband... but I didn't share it with him :)

LuAnn said...

I would love the cupcake Kindle cover! It is so cute!

Shonya said...

I have to admit my jaw dropped a little and I peered more closely at my screen when I saw that title! "Is that *CARRIE'S* blog?!" popped into my head. LOL (And I love Tim's comment about airborne pork, giggle)

I love my books, but I have to admit to also loving my Kindle. It's so convenient. I carry it in my purse all the time, and now when we prepare to drive somewhere I only throw a couple of real books in a tote bag (instead of the 6-7 I used to bring, not knowing which I'd be in the mood to read) b/c I have 300 books on my Kindle to also choose from! giggle

And I like the Owl Kindle cover--there's some personality! :)

debbie said...

I would like the cupcake cover for a kindle fire.

Lisa Spence said...

The Owl, definitely! And for an iPad!! :)

Janet said...

I've been debating about whether to enter, since I seem inclined toward drab covers for my Kindle. But I really love those owls, so please count me in. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love the cupcake design. Thanks for the giveaway.

kitkat234 said...

I would like the ipad cover in the cupcake design, thanks for the chance!
kitkat 234 at gmail dot com

rubynreba said...

I would pick the kindle cover. I think the cupcake one is so cute!

apple blossom said...

cupcake ~ kindle

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Cacey said...

I'd love the cupcake for IPad (although I have to admit that I do own a kindle!)

Anonymous said...

Haha- the owl one for Nook Tablet (which is not an ipad but sort of similar in addition to being an e-reader).

shostagirl (at) gmail (dot) com

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

I would choose the cupcake cover for the Kindle. I don't have one yet, but I plan to get a Kindle touch soon. I never thought I'd get an e-book reader, but I plan to use it for obscure books that I can't find or can't afford to get hard copies of.


catholicreader at gmail dot com

JenniferB said...

I would love the owl cover for Kindle Fire. I just bought my fire and it sure comes in handy when I also have to carry around three babies and all their gear. :)

jennifer dot boully at gmail dot com

iPad Mini Glittery Case said...

I'd love the cupcake design for the kindle!

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