For the remainder of the summer (June - August) I'm going to cut my posts back to three times a week. I plan to maintain a M/W/F schedule.
I still have books to review, a book club to host, as well my own personal reading. As this is a "online reading diary" of sorts, I can't exactly stop posting because I will never stop reading! (So there! ha!) Speaking of things to host and fun reading challenges (which we weren't, but now we are) I want to remind you that the CHRONICLES OF NARNIA READING CHALLENGE IS COMING!!!!! (I'm not even the slightest bit excited as you can clearly see.) I love this challenge and eagerly anticipate it!

The goal? To spend the month of July reading as much about Narnia as possible. You have the whole month to read individual stories in The Chronicles of Narnia or to watch the movies, listen to audio books or read books about Narnia or C.S. Lewis. Whatever you have the time to do, I invite you to do. As you proceed through this Challenge, write up various posts about what you have read or your thoughts and impressions. On Monday, July 30th we will conclude the challenge and at that time I will invite you to share your posts with us.
On this one, I highly encourage the anticipation of children. Last year I read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to bookworm1. (Linked to our thoughts.) He loved it so much that we went on to read Prince Caspian. Here are some fun "Narnia toys" (which aren't really officially Narnia toys but are much easier to come by and quite fun). Enjoying Narnia alone is a treat. Enjoying it with others makes it infinitely sweeter.
In the meantime, enjoy the start of your summer and HAPPY (continued!) READING!

I forget how old Bookworm 1 is, but my mom read them every time someone turned five. So, I'm very pro reading them young. I think it's awesome that he really enjoyed the stories!
I am very excited about this one too! :-D
I was just thinking about the Narnia challenge the other day. Looking forward to picking up where I left off last year!
On a side note, our church had a Daddy-daughter date night built around a Narnia theme last weekend. Thought that was such a cool idea! I wanted to go! Since we don't have daughters, none of us went. My husband asked my d-i-l about going but she thought it was for younger girls. We found out later that some dads took their adult daughters, so they would have been ok to go. The "wardrobe door" they had set up around the door to the fellowship hall they left up for Sunday morning -- it just beckoned one to go through!
I will be starting with The Magicians Nephew (first in the complete chronicles of narnia book that I have). We also have all the movies. I imagine we will watch them all beginning to end! LOVE LOVE! Narnia!
Enjoy summer!!!
Enjoy summer!!!
I hear ya--your schedule is better than mine, I"m just hit or miss! :)
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