It's time, it's time! Time for the third annual Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge!
The goal? To spend the month of July reading as much about Narnia as possible. You have the whole month to read individual stories in The Chronicles of Narnia, watch the movies, listen to audio books or read books about Narnia or C.S. Lewis. Whatever you have the time to do, I invite you to do. (I'm just here to provide you the excuse to do it!) As you proceed through this Challenge, write up various posts about what you have read or your thoughts and impressions. On Tuesday, July 31st we will conclude the challenge and at that time I will invite you to share your posts with us.
If you are participating in this challenge, please leave a comment below stating as much, and then feel free to add my Reading Challenge badge to your own post or blog sidebar with the following code:
<a href="http://www.readingtoknow.com/2011/07/chronicles-of-narnia-reading-challenge.html"><img alt="Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge" src="http://www.bluecastlephoto.com/misc/chronicles-of-narnia.gif" border="0" /></a>
I will be hosting various Narnia-related giveaways throughout the month. As always, those who are actually participating in the challenge will be able to receive bonus entries by playing along. (It's for your own good, really, you know.)
I'm so looking forward to this month! For my part, I plan on reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader aloud to Bookworms 1 and 2. I also plan on reading The Silver Chair for myself. In addition, I am also reading The Narnian by Alan Jacobs. Beyond that, I'm not quite sure what I will get to but I intend to enjoy myself thoroughly!
A few of my past Narnian-related posts:
* Experiences reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe aloud to the older bookworms.
* A post about Narnia and hope (and what I hope my kids learn about God and life as they grow up).
* Bringing Narnia to life.
* The Magician's Nephew
And my very favorite Narnia-themed song (that I've only watched about 55,000 times):
Diving in!
I'm in!
I'm in with The Silver Chair and The Horse and His Boy for sure and may add some others along the way:
Thanks for the opportunity to once again visit Narnia!
I'm in! I'm in! C. just read the series and it has me longing for Narnia. We watched the first movie the other night (so, pre-July), and then yesterday, I started both The Magician's Nephew and What I Learned in Narnia. Looking forward to lots of time in Narnia this month! Thanks for hosting, Carrie!
I've been wanting to reread through the whole Chronicles, since watching the movies (again & again) the last few months...So you know what? I think I'm going to try and do it in July! Or at least see what I can get done :o) Wahoo! :o)
I'm in!
It's The Magician's Nephew for us and possibly The Narnian for me as well. We shall see!
I'm coming, I'm coming! Escaping through the wardrobe--with Prince Caspian this time.
Oh it's happening. Participation shall be found over at my blog. SO very excited!
I'm reading the series this month! :-D
What a terrific challenge!! I adore this series & we have it in all formats ;)
I'm planning on doing the challenge thanks
Me too!
This sounds like a wonderful idea, I just got back into the movies last month, so this is perfect timing for me.
I've just spent the last week reading amazing narnia fanfiction and I just finished the Horse and His Boy. These books are wonderful - I've also just gone out and brought all the movies on dvd and all the games and will review them too.
link to my blog!
I'm in!! We started listening to Prince Caspian this afternoon. :D
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