I look forward to this reading challenge every year. I know that I'm not alone in saying that if it wasn't arranged on the calendar, I might not get back to these books. For me, Narnia is an important enough series for me to want to read at least one title every year. When I started this challenge, I read the books for myself, out of love. Now I read them aloud to and with my kids, also out of love. I want them to have a reading heritage which is chalk full of Narnia.
Whether you are engaging with these stories alone or with others, I hope you are joining in out of love for these stories. Or, perhaps, you are using this challenge to enter the world of Narnia for the first time and, if that be the case, then fantastic! I hope you enjoy your stay.
As for the details, know that I like to keep things remarkably simple.
First, this challenge lasts for the entirety of July. You have one entire month to revel in the individual stories in The Chronicles of Narnia. You can watch the movies (if you can stomach them), listen to audio books/dramatizations, or read books about Narnia or C.S. Lewis. I give you full permission (should you need it from me).
As you proceed through this challenge, write up various posts about what you have read, sharing your thoughts and impressions of the stories. On Friday, July 29th we will conclude the challenge and, at that time, I will invite you to share your posts with us.
If you are participating in this, please leave a comment below stating as much, and then feel free to add my Reading Challenge badge to your own post or blog sidebar with the following code:
<a href="http://www.readingtoknow.com/2016/06/chronicles-of-narnia-reading-challenge.html"><img alt="Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge" border="0" src="http://www.bluecastlephoto.com/misc/chronicles-of-narnia.gif" /></a>
I just recently discovered Lewis's Letters to Children on my bookshelf - a book I sadly didn't even know I had! So I think I'll read that and then see from there. I've got Living Like a Narnian on my Kindle, but the first few pages didn't do anything for me, and I think I remember your not being thrilled with it. So I don't know about that one. The pull is strong to read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe again, but I know if I start that one, I'll want to read the series through, and I don't think I am ready for that just now. But we'll see.
I'm just about to start my selection for the challenge... The Last Battle.
It's a little bittersweet, but this is the final book in the Narnia series for me. After this month, I'll finally have read the whole series! The only sad part is that you can only read a good book for the first time, once. :)
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