Yet again we've reached the end of another Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge which I hold each year here at Reading to Know during the month of July. If you missed this go around, fret not! There's always next year and I'll continue hosting until I weary of reading Narnia (i.e., never). There'll always be a second chance for you and yours with this challenge!
If you did read Narnia, or anything about C.S. Lewis, or experienced something related to Narnia and wrote up a blog post about it, now is the time to share it. You can leave a link to your blog post(s) in the comment section below.
As for what my family managed to accomplish within the month of July this year:
- We re-read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (linked to my review).
- We ate Turkish Delight (while reading).
- We re-watched this movie version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
- We made it 3/4 of the way through this children's biography about C.S. Lewis. (We shall finish it yet!)
I'm grateful for every little bit. Truthfully, if I didn't set aside a month specifically to focus on some aspect of Narnia, I don't know that I'd get to it. It's a series that I would be sorry not to immerse myself or my children in, so further up and further in we go!
Looking forward to hearing what journeys you might have had into Narnia this year if you "played along" with me!
I read and reviewed C. S. Lewis's Letters to Children: https://barbarah.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/book-review-c-s-lewis-letters-to-children/ It was a delightful time!
I re-read The Magician's Nephew. My eyes were suspiciously shiny.
I finally finished the Narnia series... and it was amazing! Here's my review from July on The Last Battle.
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