CONTEST CLOSED! Thanks for participating. The winners are #5 and #19 - Sherry & elrj, respectively. Your books will be on their way shortly, ladies! Congrats!

That is?:
Dating and Marriage isn't some fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants deal where you just hope you land a good one. From the Crossway blog, and in the words of author Voddie Baucham:

I believe God has spoken rather decisively in his Word about what our daughters should look for. Moreover, I believe there are some non-negotiables that our daughters must be looking for. There are some things a man simply must be before he is qualified to assume the role of a Christian husband. For instance, he must be a Christian (2 Corinthians 6:14); he must be committed to biblical headship (Ephesians 5:23ff.); he must welcome children (Psalm 127:3–5); he must be a suitable priest (Joshua 24:15), prophet (Ephesians 6:4), protector (Nehemiah 4:13–14), and provider (1 Timothy 5:8; Titus 2:5). A man who does not possess—or at least show strong signs of—these and other basic characteristics does not meet the basic job description laid down for husbands in the Bible.
What He Must Be: ...If He Wants to Marry My Daughter
Now, a fun thing about being part of the blog tour is that Crossway Books has offered to give two of you readers a copy of this book. That's right folks - two of you can have the opportunity to read the book along with me and share your thoughts as we go along. Interested in the subject of dating/courtship/love & marriage and want to hear what Baucham has to say about it? Leave a comment and I'll enter you in this contest. You must be a U.S. Resident to enter. The contest will close and winners will be announced on Friday, March 13th.
To learn more about What He Must Be. . .
Then don't forget to come back and see what I have to say about it - in full - in the next few weeks!
If you'd like to win some additional books this week, check out Bookroom Reviws giveaway carnival which is running this week. COOL idea!
Oooo...Enter me!
I am a single mom of three daughters and would love to read this book!
Enter me! I would love to read along. With 4 girls in the family this could be a great book to have.
Enter me, enter me! DH and I have read Family Driven Faith, and we were both quite challenged by it. I would love to read this!
We have great respect for Dr. Baucham and his ministry and I am sooooo looking forward to reading this book!
Enter me please! I enjoy your blog.
I would love to win this. Voddie Baucham spoke at our church's men's retreat this year, and my husband thought he was great. Since we have two daughters, I think he (and I) would enjoy reading this.
I have 4 daughters (and 1 son). I think i need to read this book. As long as somewhere in there it recommends scaring the wits outta their beau.
livingmyhappilyeverafter at yahoo
I have 2 daughters and would love to read this!
I am so excited to see this. I have two teen daughters and this book is perfect.
I also have a teen son (he's 18 and is dating for the first time).
I'd like this book for my 16 year old son to read. I'd also like to give it to a girl in my 15 year old son's class. Even though my kids attend a conservative Christian school, I am aghast at the "going together and breaking up" habits of some of the kids. This one particular girl is on her 3rd relationship in less than a year-and she is the one doing the breaking up and for no particular reason that I have figured out. I fear for her future and my heart grieves for her, as she is a sweet, godly young lady that I have come to care about.
Joanna :)
Currently struggling with my 18 yo daughter regarding waiting for God's best and praying for her future husband. She recently wanted to settle for her first boyfriend against the strong advice from HER friends and all our family. Would love to be able to read with her what Voddie has to share. Also have an 8yo girl in the wings watching everything her sister does. Please consider us! Thank you!!!!!
I'd love a chance to win. <3
Please enter me in the drawing. This looks like a great read. I'd like to give this to my daughter for her daughter!
This would be great for us, we have a 15 yo daughter.
slcremer at gmail dot com
please enter me in the giveaway
Pick me!
I would definitely love to win this!
I think I need this! Not just for my daughter. I'm wondering if you can turn it around - use it for a plan for building your sons into men? Got 3 of those I'm working on. Lord, help me!
Looks great! My e-mail address is in my Blogger profile. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'd like to read this helpful book. Thanks.
-Terra H.
Please enter me. Thank You.
I have two daughters and would love to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway.
I have a daughter and would love to see what he has to say! Thanks for the chance to win
I have a daughter, and I would love to read this book, it sounds very interesting! Thanks for the chance to enter this generous giveaway!
ty 4 the awesome book giveaway and 4 the entry:)
I have 3 daughters and a son. I would love this book, and I am sure my husband would too.
This looks like a very interesting read...both for me & my husband. I'm not familiar yet with Dr. Baucham, so this might be a nice introduction to his work...
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