Suzanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts this carnival every Friday for people to list their five favorite things for the week.
Today is my brother's birthday so I'm going to list 5 things about him that I am grateful for. (Because his wife gave me permission to do this online. And it beats a traditional birthday card. And it's the only way I know how to draw him over to the computer to look at a mere blog.)

2. He met his wife at a very young-ish sort of age (I know that some of you would say he IS young so what am I talking about?) and I never heard anything but "Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer." (Ok, but not in the sappy way that I made that just sound.) What I mean to say was, he wasn't the type to flirt and his affections were secure. He has always been faithful to and about her in every way. I'm so grateful that he married her (because she's really much more fabulous than he is). And I think I can get away with saying that because I do believe he agrees. He chose well and he loves her deeply. It commands that everyone else love and respect her also. (Not that that would be difficult, but it is nice to see and a good thing to be in fear of.)
3. When my dad was dying of cancer my brother cared for my dad in one way which I will never forget as long as I ever live. At the end of my dad's life, I watched my brother care for his father in an amazing way that touches me very deeply and, after having witnessed with my own eyes, I will always respect my brother for. Always. No matter what.
4. My brother is now a father himself and it is clear that he adores his little boy (aka, the Buckaroo). He works hard to care for his family - his wife and his son.
5. My brother loves the Lord with all of his heart, soul and mind. This I know. We're very different, he and I, but no matter the differences, I respect and admire his faith. It cheers me. It humbles me. And it makes me love him all the more for it.
Happy birthday, Christopher! If I could only ever have one brother to grow up with - I'm glad it was you.

What a sweet tribute! Hope your brother has a wonderful day.
What a fantastic birthday present to give your brother! You are a pretty awesome sister yourself. I'm glad you've also been blessed with a great s-i-l. Same here. I have 1 brother, and he's so sweet & gentle, yet his wife even more so than he is.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Happy Birthday to Carrie's Brother!!!
Our list of similarities just keeps growing!
1. You bribed your brother. I'm guessing he's the "little" brother otherwise you totally could have gotten away with those "accidents." I used to let my "little" brother hit me back instead of telling on me. :)
2. Your parents went with Carrie and Christopher. We're Stephanie and Stephen.
3. My brother also married a Jennifer.
Ps. I can totally do the Vulcan greeting!!! :)
Oh that was so sweet. You are both lucky to have each other.
What a wonderful tribute to your brother! Blessings to him on his birthday!!
My brother had a birthday this week too. He was older than I, and loved to tease - I learned to whine - annoyingly well :)
Happy celebrations to your brother!
Awww...That is so sweet Carrie! I love the post...thanks for doing this! Christopher will be home soon ~He and Steven are out doing a guy movie~ and I will show it to him then.
I am so happy to be in this family!
Love and blessings
This is such a lovely post, Carrie! Deeply touching. Wishing your brother a lot of joy and blessings as he steps into another year. Have a wonderful week :). Btw, I know about those long, long days with little children ;).
Awwww... how sweet. Happy birthday to your brother and bravo to you for such a beautiful present.
Now THIS is a good present--if only he'll read it! ;-)
Very sweet. Happy birthday to your brother! Amber
What a wonderful tribute to your brother! Happy Birthday to him.
how sweet of you to dedicate this Five to your brother. And a lovely tribute it was.
Happy Birthday to your brother.
Beautiful post, Carrie. I'm sure your brother was touched...I was, and I don't even know him! LOL
Love the brother love! Live long and prosper!
Happy Belated Birthday to your brother. He sounds like a wonderful guy.
No FFF for Christmas Day but we'll be back to kick off the New Year!
Merry Christmas!
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