Last month I said I was going to relaunch myself into the Betsy-Tacy books again in anticipation of Sarah's (Library Hospital) Maud Hart Lovelace Challenge. (The challenge begins in October so there's plenty of time to read and plan to participate in that!) I DID read Heaven to Betsy and Betsy in Spite of Herself just this past week and I'll have something popping up about that in the next week or so.
I also said I was going to read To Kill a Mockingbird (for the first time!) as part of the To Kill a Mockingbird Challenge hosted by Amy at Hope is in the Word. I did that also, and will share my thoughts on that later this week. (It won't really be a REVIEW, per se, because what can be said?!)
As for what I'm hoping and planning to get to during the month of September?

I'm pretty excited about all of these. I am looking forward to The Faithful Parent, by Martha Peace.
I'll be reading Miracles on Maple Hill for the Children's Classic Carnival at 5 Minutes for Books in September.
And, of course, I'm very eager to dive into The Eyre Affair as its been on my TBR list for awhile!
I anticipate September being a very fun reading month. But then again, I anticipate every month being a very fun reading month. I'm probably most excited about this fall though as, seeing that we're nearing the end of the year. As is typical, I find myself having the same attitude towards only wanting to read fun and enjoyable books that really grab and speak to me. At the beginning of the year I feel like I have all the time in the world to read and will pick up almost anything. However, the further in we get (September!? Really!?) I become much, much more choosy.
The thing is - that I always LOVE the fall so much that I'm starting to wonder if I'm wasting a bit of reading time with things that I don't truly care about during the early part of the year. It's not that I've really disliked anything that I've read in 2010. But reading time is so valuable and ...anyway...just thinking about 2011 and thinking I might make a few changes in the way I approach books in general.
But before I get too serious- I have a birthday coming up that must be celebrated book bloggy style so stay tuned for that. (Because books + blogging + birthdays = a little more fun than usual.)
In the meantime, looking forward to a glorious reading fall! How 'bout you? I LOVE this carnival and I'm antsy to poke around your Nightstands and discover what is on them!
I understand the "end of the year" feelings. I can't say mine follow a direct calendar schedule, but I find myself wondering if I shouldn't focus my reading more or better or whatever. As it is, I'll probably go on as usual, every so often wondering if I shouldn't have a more all-embracing "philosophy" of book choice :-)
I didn't even do a Nightstand post because all I could've said was, "I read one novel, I'm still working on the Bible in 90 Days Challenge, I'm in the middle of To Kill a Mockingbird, and I read whole lot to my kids." :-)
I can't wait to read what you have to say about Mockingbird! Oh, and I've heard good things about Fforde! (I have a hard time just typing that double F!)
Looks like a fun list. I used to read anything and everything but now that reading time for me is very limited I'm much more choosy. I just don't have time for books I'm not going to enjoy.
I guess the calendar doesn't really affect my reading in general -- day to day life does more.
Some good choices there -- looking forward to your thoughts on them.
You have quite a few good books coming up! I’ll be watching for your thoughts on Women’s Ministry and on The Goodness of God. Oh, and The Faithful Parent. Enjoy!
I'm trying to remember when I first read Mockingbird. I know I saw the movie before reading the book, so I'm thinking it was as a grown up. Looking forward to what you have to say - I suspect there will be some gushing involved. lol
I agree- what more can be "reviewed" about TKAM?? :)
Wow! Nice book mosaic. Enjoy all of your books. I like how you call your site your biblioblog. :)
Looks good, Carrie! I'll have to look up the Faithful Parent book. As for The Eyre Affair, I listened to the audio version a while back...definitely, um, interesting. I'll be curious to hear your thoughts!
I just love your blog site!
I want to read Eyre Affair. It sounds really interesting.
I've started doing some reorganizing of my to-read lists. There is only a certain amount of time in a day, in a week, in a month, in a year. Books are published faster than I can read them so I need to start being more selective to make sure I have time to read the great books, rather than just the mediocre ones.
Happy soon-to-be birthday! I hope it involves lots of books. :)
Cassandra - YES! My point exactly. So many books published and so little time. Need to be even MORE selective!
And birthday? Yes. Involves a lot of books. Some for you as well! =)
Thanks for sharing your list. I would love to read the Martha Peace book. I am adding it to my TBR list! I'll look forward to a review from you as well.
That Eyre book looks intriguing. Can't wait to hear what you think.
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