Early today I published a review of Beyond Bath Time, by Erin Davis. Mrs. Davis left a comment on that post offering to give away a few copies of her book to some of my readers. Do you think you would be interested in reading a copy? (You can just go ahead and nod 'yes'.)
Mrs. Davis generously offered up THREE copies of her new book. If you would like to win, simply leave a comment on this post, including a valid e-mail address. (It would also be nice if you read the review before blindingly entering the contest.) This contest is open to U.S. Residents only and will be open through Monday, May 14th.
I will select a winner from the comments left on THIS post next Monday evening.
Thank you, Erin Davis, for your generosity and desire to affirm and encourage other mothers!
THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. THE WINNERS (as selected by random.org) ARE:
#2 - Mikaila
#15 - Elisabeth
#5 - Annette @ This Simple Home
I am at the PERFECT place in life to read such an encouraging book! And I think embarking with encouragement is important. :)
Read your review yesterday and think it might be an encouraging book. I didn't care for play dates when my girls were little, either--talk AND mind the kids? Too hard! Too distracting! Now that mine are a little older (well, the first two, anyway), it's a bit easier, though now we have to deal with hurt feelings, someone being left out, etc.
I said all that to say sign me up!
With your great review yesterday I'm sure many will want this. That'd be me, too. :)
It really does sound like an encouraging book and when I read the review yesterday I thought "I should pick up a copy of that for _____, I bet that would encourage her."
How nice of the author to offer giveaway copies!
Kaleidoscope arrived today--thanks. Would feel badly entering again so soon, except that book is for the kids! =)
Sounds like a terrific book for this mama!
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
This sounds like a lovely book to read and pass along to other moms I know who need to be encouraged. :)
Hi, Mommas!
Erin here, author of "Beyond Bath Time." I'm loving your enthusiasm. Wishing I could give a copy to each and every one of ya. Thanks for being great moms.
Press in. Press on!
I'm always looking for books for when my DIL finally has kids.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
As per my other comment, I think I would like this book, at least the first half! :)
I'd love a chance to read this :)
unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail dot com
I got to hear Erin last night on Revive our Hearts and the message she shared was exactly what I needed. Can't wait to read Beyond Bath Time!
I would love a copy of this!
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