I seldom go to our local Christian book store. I have to work up the courage to walk through aisles of self-help, fluffy titles and mainstream movies on the video shelves in hopes of finding something decent (and sometimes truly Christian). I find fewer and fewer reasons to go in. However, every once in awhile I will poke my nose in the door and see if I might stumble across a treasure. Some time back, on one such venture, I came across Courage and Conviction: Chronicles of the Reformation Church
I'm in love with this series.
There are five books in the History Lives series which are written by husband and wife team, Brandon and Mindy Withrow. The series is geared towards middle grade/YA readers to introduce them to church history in an artfully appealing way, making history relevant and inspiring for young Christian (or otherwise!) readers. The history that they write about is not just church history but it is world history as well. Book one - Peril and Peaceh
In Courage and Conviction
The book opens with a Reformation Church Timeline to give you an overview. Then you receive an explanation of what the Reformation Church is. From there you proceed, chapter by chapter, to read about the key players and events. For example the chapters are laid out as follows:
- Desiderius Erasmus: The hen that laid the egg of Luther
- Martin Luther: A conscience captive to the word of God
- The Catholic Reformation
- Menno Simmons: A kingdom of peace
- John Calvin: To take a wife
- Big Changes in the Reformation World
- Katherine Parr: For such a time as this
- Thomas Cranmer: Candles in England
- Etc.
For those of you even a little familiar with church history will recognize that the Withers are taking us from Europe to England (and then on to the Americas later in the book) showing how, by person, the Roman Catholic Church was challenged and how Reformation changed the way that the entire world looks.
The Withers do not try to make anyone look perfect in this books and this I like. In fact, on their website they say that this is not a series about the "heroes of the faith" but is "about some of the flawed human beings that make up the story of Christianity from its beginning." They tell you that Calvin and Luther didn't get along. They share Thomas Cranmer's moments of weakness. They make you feel pity at times, sorrow in others and excitement in most. (I really find history exciting. I love this series. A lot.)
Let's face it - history can often times be very confusing. Time lines, numbers and facts can be oh so dry and boring if the teacher of it is not extremely careful. Woe to the dull history teacher who kills any desire to learn about where we've been and why we are where we are now. All of these "facts and figures" are important so it is extremely regrettable that they go down so distastefully most times. The Reformation period alone can be confusing. Did Luther start it? Did he end it? Why are we suddenly talking about Calvin having a say? And what were their differences?
While the History Lives series doesn't answer every question (you can be go as deep as you like in your studies) they do piece together the history in an understandable timeline, letting the reader comfortably know which of the Reformers were contemporaries of one another and what their more specific ideas led to. I liked that they hopped countries to further explain the "dangerous teachings" which Luther and others presented to the people. Luther wasn't the only one who was challenging the Catholic Church and he didn't go as far in his dislike of the church as other people did. Those who spent time studying the writings of the Reformers and considering their teachings put their own lives at risk and the Withrows explain this brilliantly in their layout.
Although these books are written for ages 9 to 14, I dare say a good many adults would enjoy them as well. Although these are facts set into a fictional situations at times, the Withrows really manage to get across timeline and the importance of individuals and teaching.
As we're approaching Reformation Day, I'll highlight Courage and Conviction
You can learn more about the History Lives series on their website.
You can purchase the series as individual titles on Amazon:
Peril and Peace
Monks and Mystics
Courage and Conviction
Hearts and Hands
Rescue and Redeem
The series is also available as a box set (as well as individual titles) from Westminster Bookstore.
The titles are also available on the Kindle. I tell you that because I love this series so much that I don't care how you read them, but that you read them. Yes.
Forever gratefully giddy that our local Christian bookstore decided to stock these books once upon a time. They should bring them back. Because history does live and it is entirely relevant.
I have a couple of these but haven't read them. I should remedy that!
Mandy Withrow is also a book blogger!
So I'm not the only one who goes into Christian book stores and feel discouraged by the titles.
Unfortunately none of my history teachers made the subject come alive until my freshman year of college, and that, unfortunately, was my last history class. This sounds like a great series.
That reminds me I should go to the Christian bookstore more often to check the markdowns. I don't go often because most of their stuff is ridiculously expensive -- one item I went in for specifically because I had a coupon was still more expensive than I could find it online.
Ha! Christian bookstores give me the heebie-jeebies. All those titles of self worth and positive thinking. *shudder*
I am putting this series on my list, it sounds most excellent!
PS I haven't bought a book from an overpriced "Christian" book store since book 14 in the Mandie series!
We went in to buy the boys a special Bible and I was so appalled at the prices that we walked back out again. The kids wanted to know why so many portrayals of Jesus gave him blue eyes... So much explaining to do!
I haven't been into the 1 Christian book store in RI in 2 years? 3 years? It's been a long time.
I'm excited about this series!! My oldest (9 yrs) loves history as much as I do. He sits and reads our historical books for pleasure! I picked up some biographies of famous Christians but I'm finding the writing is horrendous. Clearly the authors did not care about the subject and their bias comes through the writing. I bought them at a used book sale so I'm not out much in the way of money. But I've been looking for good alternatives. I think these might suit my purposes!
I love your snarky comment about books having potential if they are in the markdown bin. ;) I haven't been to a Christian bookstore in years. Maybe 8 years ago? I think the last time I went was to buy tickets for a DCTalk concert... not an experience I care to repeat!
It wasn't until family camp that I became interested in the Reformation.
These sound really good!
This does sound interesting. Bonus points for including Menno Simmons. (I have Mennonite ancestry on both sides of my family.)
Also bonus points for not deifying Luther and Calvin, but presenting them as flawed individuals that God used for His purposes.
I have been eyeing this series for a while, but wasn't sure if I would like them. Thanks for the review. These will be going on my "to buy" list.
I've emailed my husband links to these books - they may need to be added to our shelves. They look great!
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