We did.

Before we get back to the books, we'd like to take a moment and let you know that our little baby girl (aka Bookworm3!) finally made her appearance! With great happiness we welcomed her into the family and have been enjoying her for the past few days. She's wonderful. We're very blessed.
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement and enthusiasm!
We'll get back to the books here very shortly...
Congrats! That's certainly a wonderful Easter gift. :)
A beautiful Easter blessing, huh? There is no doubt that this Easter is one to remember!
I have two boys and a girl. It's been amazing to me in the past 19 months how different the girl is and how much fun it has been (and I was someone who really didn't think I cared that much about having a girl). It's also very sweet to me to see how she brings out the sensitive side of her brothers. Enjoy the ride!
Congratulations to you all!
aww congrats and what a wonderful easter gift :)
enjoy your little girl they are so special and so fun to dress up in the cute little clothes
What a truly wonderful time to celebrate a birth! Congratulations!
Congratulations! What exciting news! Enjoy your newly expanded family! :)
Congrats! Enjoy every moment!
What a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday! Congrats, and enjoy the heck out of her!
Congrats, Carrie! I was thinking you might have her over your Easter blogging break!!!
God bless you ALL!!
Congratulations! So happy for all of you :).
Yay! Congratulations on your little Easter blessing!
The birth of your daughter just as the Earth begins its rebirth in spring. Congratulations!
It may be magazine reading for awhile, rather than novels! Enjoy.
Praise the Lord! I'm so very, very happy for you! Enjoy that sweet little babe!
Congratulations!! Welcome to the newest little bookworm!
Many congratulations :)
Congratulations! Blessings abound!
I found myself a much more relaxed mom with my third child. I also figured out how to prop a book on the arm of my rocker and read through several books during late night / early morning nursing.
I *never* take a healthy birth for granted. Life is a miracle...and such a gift.
Oh, I'm going to smile the rest of the day!
Thank you, everyone! We are SO excited and thrilled! (And I cannot even begin to express my thrill at not being pregnant anymore!! ;) Hurray! Baby is here and we're so very happy!
Congratulations on the arrival of bookworm 3. I hope everything went well and that you are all enjoying each other. What a wonderful blessing at Easter time :)
Congratulations, Carrie and boys! And welcome, little Bookworm3. I look forward to getting to "know" her through her reading adventures. :)
Congatulations! That's so incredibly exciting. Have a wonderful time with your new little one (and your two olders)
Congratulations!!! I was thinking about you and am so glad you are all doing well!! So...did you pick the name we discussed??
Congratulations!! :)
I'm so happy for you! I hope you're recovering easily and that baby girl is doing well!
Congratulations on the birth of another bookworm! Very happy for your family.
Looking forward to hearing more and more about her! :)
Yea! Babies! Happy days!
- AZ
Congratulations! What a wonderful way to spend Easter. :)
Can't believe I missed this...congratulations! Think of all the great books you will get to share with her...
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